Scania v8 480 - great

After driving class1 for nearly six months i am beginning
to feel comfortable in my work.
I have remained with the same company delivering
and backloading chill and refrigerated food.
I have covered most of the midlands,north west,north
east ( seem to spend most of my life going across
the M62 ).
To anyone feeling worried about driving class 1 i
would give one piece of advice " Never give up "
sorry two pieces " if you dont know = ASK !!! " Anyway
every few days i get the chance to drive a scania topline
v8 480 and just want to say " GREAT" the power
is so good that whatever the load there is no stress at all.
As my choice of truck is between MAN and Scania
my experience is limited but i know my favourite.
PS quiet tomorrow so extra day off.

Glad to you are enjoying it David14. Also if you
could take some photos of your truck as I would
like to see that scania topline as I have a model
one and my desktop wallpaper is of scania on
my pc.

I’ve only driven one Scania…a 26T fridge…it was terrible. The cab is a mess IMO and the seats are ■■■■ especially for taller people.