Just as it says on the tin folks. new wagon wont let my S6 connect to scania radio BT… keeps saying it cant connect… manual is next to useless,any hints ,tips or mickey taking welcome…Ta…
Make sure you’ve got the Bluetooth on, on both the phone and truck, and password is usually either 0000 or 1234.
Mine went in easy enough.
Make sure you’ve got the Bluetooth on, on both the phone and truck, and password is usually either 0000 or 1234.Mine went in easy enough.
Tried that… password came up different on radio … then the phone said it could not communicate with ScaniaBT… cheers
On my 15 reg could never manage to connect .
Spent hours scrolling thru menu
But a young bloke did it for me in 10 secs flat !
However would not reconnect after i got out of cab
So i just used AUX lead and phone still comes over radio .
Will give that a try later… cheers…
Areyou talking new newer used new. As if it used new the BT memory could be full and needs old connections removing
theyll only connect upto three devices. you need to go into paired devices and delete to make space for a new device.
Ok .
So u scroll thru menu to paired devices …
Then what ■■
Just as it says on the tin folks. new wagon wont let my S6 connect to scania radio BT… keeps saying it cant connect… manual is next to useless,any hints ,tips or mickey taking welcome…Ta…
When it does that, immediately try it again. Out of the 30 odd DAFs in our depot about half of them fail connecting to my S5 the first time but as soon as you try again they work almost instantly.
Ok .So u scroll thru menu to paired devices …
Then what ■■
Del Device.
Cheers chaps. will have a fiddle with it again before setting off tonight…
Just make sure your connecting the right device to where it’s ment to be . We have other software on our trucks that use BT which In turn downloads all our tacho info
Just out off interest , where is the mic for the BT phone connection, had a 13 plate R440, and the mic was stuck in front of the instrument display, Just got hold of a 65 plate R450 and cant see any mic, so I’ve carried on using an earpiece, but would be easier to use the radio connection as I did before
Any one else driving a new 450, if so, whats it like for using adblue, mine drinks it. The 13 plate could go 7 days between fill ups, this one chews through a tank in 4-5 days, they both have the same tank
The mic on mine is behind yr left shoulder !
The mic on mine is behind yr left shoulder !
Its on a pull down springy doodad so you can bring the mic down so I sits just in front of your mouth. But I find driving like that slightly uncomfortable! And you look like Captain Scarlett ■■■■!
The mic on mine is behind yr left shoulder !+1
Its on a pull down springy doodad so you can bring the mic down so I sits just in front of your mouth. But I find driving like that slightly uncomfortable! And you look like Captain Scarlett ■■■■!
No don’t have that
Pop the front off the stereo. I had one once where the mic was behind the pop off panel. Worked great wierdly enough. Our DAFs have a small mic fitted in the gubbins tray directly below the stereo. If you weren’t looking for it you’d miss it.