Scania R420, 2011 reg

I’m looking to buy this Scania,from a dealer,in Austria, Hochstaffl nutzfahrezeuge, in Kundl, Austria. it’s a 2011 REG, 123,OOO kms, a left ■■■■■■, for a continental work,which we do,on fridges.
Price is asking,is 55,000 euros. I mention,I buy from him on a lease,15% deposit,over 3 years.
Any infos,pls? Goods and bads!! Is my first venture on Scania’s. we got Daf’s 105 and Tga 440 euro 5.
All the best,to anyone,Ovi

Sorry, about the position of the pics!!

€55000 thats a very good price snap there hand off

ro trucker:
Sorry, about the position of the pics!!

No spot on love the tanks, whats the badge :slight_smile:

All she needs,is a very good clean up!!! and a A service

Those 420’s are a great engine.

To be honest,I’m a bit confused about the engines. They are 420’s with adblue,and 440 without. I know the Egr on engines are not a good thing,for 440. I wait your opnions,pls!!

having driven 420s and 440s both without adblue id say the 420 is the better engine as i found the 440 much more thirsty with weight on
this is my humble opinoin of being a employed driven i have no other experiences of running them

As far as i know you can spec a scania straight 6 with or without adblue

€55000 thats a very good price snap there hand off

I don’t personally think Scanias represent value for money but even I can see that’s well-priced for the vehicle and mileage.

What can I say! I might go for it! I’m still not 100% decided,but…

Just out of curiosity, have you ever bought a truck abroad before, the reason I ask is I tryed to buy a 2yr old g & a fridge Trl in Ireland and Lombard wouldn’t finance it due to proof of ownership issues, will your finance co be ok with it, I did try another couple of finance houses and they said no as well.

Also, would you just drive it home, how would the paperwork side be, Brit permit, Austrian reg, insurance etc■■?

I’m looking to replace a 4 x 2 I have now and can’t find a decent one anywhere in this country, so I would be interested to know how you get on…



I have bought a truck or two from abroad LRM its fairly straight forward apart from a couple of pit falls, these probably won’t happen to You if You are sure the vehicle was origanally registered from new within The EU, if it wasn’t then You will still be able to register it but may have some issues such as with type approval.

Most countries issue export plates for vehicles sold there but being driven to another country & this usually includes a week or twos insurance, I have never however loaded a truck on export plates as its a bit of a no no.

The last one I did I bought in Denmark but the truck was Norwegian from new which I didn’t see as a problem as I’d bought it within the EU but I had big problems registering it due to The VCA in Bristol who wanted the bill of sale when its first owner bought it.

I found VOSA very helpful getting that one registered believe it or not.

As for finance I don’t know as I bought the truck outright, I did speak to Lombard regarding another one I was going to buy from Holland but they won’t finance anything from overseas which is ridiculous in this day & age, to circumvent this the Nat West agreed to buy it & once I’d registered it Lombard would finance it. In the end I found something similar in The UK & is was a LHD too.

I really don’t know why more people don’t shop abroad as the choice & spec is usually much better than in The UK plus as I discovered over My 20+ years of only buying LHD they always fetch better money & it usually involves a carrier bag of cash as they drive them off :smiley:

fly sheet:
The last one I did I bought in Denmark but the truck was Norwegian from new which I didn’t see as a problem as I’d bought it within the EU but I had big problems registering it due to The VCA in Bristol who wanted the bill of sale when its first owner bought it.


I’ve also had problems witht the VCA over a truck first reg’d in Germany but the 2nd owner was in Slovenia, this wouldn’t be a problem had it been reg’s in Slo’ after May 2003 as this was when they joined the EU, but of course mine was reg’d there prior to then!!

How did you sort it JC?


I will pm ya when I get on a PC Ross, the quickest fix is to plate it under special types & Mr Knobhead at The VCA is’nt involved then.

fly sheet:
I will pm ya when I get on a PC Ross, the quickest fix is to plate it under special types & Mr Knobhead at The VCA is’nt involved then.

Cheers JC!!