Hi everyone this is my first post.
I drive a Scania R on a 56 plate it has the silver clarion cd player in it. The cd player doesnt work due to the numpty who used to drive it getting a cd stuck in it and then in trying to get it out got a chip fork stuck in it. My gaffer wont replace it as the radio still works. I have a mp3 player that I want to put in it but there is a wire that goes into the back of the one that is already in the truck. Its a ■■■■■■■■■ one that as you look at the rear of the stereo would be on the right hand side does any body know what this wire does as i dont want to take it out and mess up something.
I wouldn’t go poking around if you don’t know what you’re doing. You could just buy a stereo yourself, a decent one can be had for £80 odd on Amazon then just swap em out & take it with you if you leave. You’re in the wagon too long to not have a decent stereo.
Halfords sell the Pioneer DEH1300mp cd player with a MP3/ipod socket on the front £45, swapped mine over in my R-series in under 5 mins.
one of our r series has a socket in the back of the pocket in the dash to plug in mp3 players, have you looked around the dash to see if you have one there

I know how to swap the radio over that bit is not the problem. I already have one to put in it my old one out of my car seeing as my lovely wife bought me a knew one for my birthday last year. Just not sure what one of the wires does that goes into the back of the one that is already in the truck. Will ask one of the mechanics next time im in scania see if they know. Listening to music of my phone using a fm transmitter but having to constantly change my frequency is driving me nuts.
Could it be the steering wheel controls?
Could it be the steering wheel controls?
Steering controls thats way to posh for the company I work for 
Ive got a pretty quiet day tomorrow (famous last words) im going to try and trace where it goes to
Sounds to me like its the Aerial wire. Is it a thick wire roughly 8mm thick
Sounds to me like its the Aerial wire. Is it a thick wire roughly 8mm thick
Not the aerial wire its on the other side to that. I might just cut it and see what ■■■■■ up