Scania r-series manuel gearbox

ive got an r-series and the gearbox is notchy and not at all smooth unlike the box in the 4 series which was like a hot knife thru butter when changing gear.does anyone else that has an r-series find this with theres, scania cant find anything wrong so is this a trait of the gearbox

Affraid so 4th is a right pig to get. Give me a auto any day.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------League flag is in sight… :smiley:

Yep same here you have to treat it like a baby and stroke it like a lady!! :laughing:

Yeah, I find the same with my R-series. I put it down to the fact that the gearstick is 3 times longer than that of the 4’s, where they had was a nice short shift, there is a lot of flex in the R’s shift. Nothing wrong with the 'box, just the way they were designed.

Yeap, not a fan at all, it’s like you hit a block on each gear and then it thuds into place, horrible box. And 4th is nearly always a pain when moving down the box, or if any of the gears grind it’s always 4th.

yep 4th is the pig coming down from 5th to 4th and and ive had to double declutch before now great super scanias :unamused: otherwise i cant fault it
cheers fellas thought it were my drivin style :laughing:

Makes me glad ours are all autos :laughing:

Yeah I think the same. The American expression sums it up quite well what I think about Scania since mid 2004, they have gone from “hero to zero” :confused:

The gear shift caused as Dids quite rightly says by the length of the gear stick is probably the worst in any modern truck I have drove in the past 5 years.
Also the seat is so hard that I get backache after doing a full shift in the things. The only thing that I think has got better are the brakes. Other than that Scania have gone downhill which is a shame as we have a sole fleet of over a hundred of the ■■■■ things and you can’t get away from them :cry: :cry: :cry:

Because of knackered synchro on 4th, I’ve got into the habit of not using it.

Start off 2nd Low, 3rd High, then 5th Low. Only use the left side of the gate for reversing.

dd mate always slid in nice on my o5 i used to have. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Didn’t do my tennis elbow any good when I was out in one week befor Easter! Interesting posts these, I thought it was just me being out of practice!

Krankee said

Start off 2nd Low, 3rd High, then 5th Low. Only use the left side of the gate for reversing.

I’d like to point out that scania, like others recommend only using first gear when moving off from standing start. Any thing other than first can cause premature clutch wear and may cause damage to synchros. And yes scania really messed up with quite a few things in the change from 4 to R series. But dint they say that about the change from 3to 4 series?

I agree with what has already been said the gears on the R series not a patch on the 4 series and high six is a waste of time… :sunglasses:

Krankee said

Start off 2nd Low, 3rd High, then 5th Low. Only use the left side of the gate for reversing.

I’d like to point out that scania, like others recommend only using first gear when moving off from standing start. Any thing other than first can cause premature clutch wear and may cause damage to synchros. And yes scania really messed up with quite a few things in the change from 4 to R series. But dint they say that about the change from 3to 4 series?

Yeah (they did) and (they) were right both times. :blush:

I’d like to point out that scania, like others recommend only using first gear when moving off from standing start. Any thing other than first can cause premature clutch wear and may cause damage to synchros.

As regards clutch wear. Well, they would, wouldn’t they? Purely to counter any Warranty claims. But I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times that I have been at a weight/gradient. where 1st gear was appropriate, or necessary. Inappropriate use of the lowest gears wastes fuel, and causes obstruction when moving off. Automatics, unless heavily laden, will often start off in 3rd and then skip to 6th. And automatics DO have a clutch. They don’t use the conventional ‘fluid flywheel’. They rely upon a series of sensors which calculate the loadings under the prevailing weight/gradient conditions and select the appropriate gear accordingly.

“damage to synchros”? Explain please?


you may get better feedback on the Euro Thread as they may have more experience of the Spanish MANUEL gearbox!! :smiley: :open_mouth: :wink:

Sorry couldn’t resist it! :wink:

whats the matter with having a gearbox that is just like new, it’s been driven properly thats why the stick doesn’t move around like a spoon in a treacle pot, be grateful, at least you know where the gears actually are.