I do like Scanias but they don’t half take themselves too seriously. I can see all the tangs now on the boat monitoring their truck! Wonder if it’ll do a Knight Rider. ‘Morning Seamus, where to today?’ ‘Im sorry Seamus, I cannot go over the top and be in Didcot for 10am’
Was at the forefront once upon a time now a dated piece of Swedish rubbish.
Volvo going the same way.
Built to a price not to a quality
Truth is that no manufacturer gives a monkeys anymore, sell em cheap and screw em on the parts.
Once the warranty has expired then they really start to make some money.
An instance just replaced a flap ram(excuse my French) on a dohllandia tail lift.
600 quid for some poxy 25 mm one way ram!
On the “course” the man said they sell tail lifts at a loss,they make money on parts
Need a “pattern” manufacturer to make parts with a 20% profit margin not like these robbin pigs operating at 200 to 300% profit cut.
i can just imagine the first driver in a yard with one of those had better wear long sleeved shirts for a while. The ■■■■ taking would be biblical.the Mickey Mouse one is much better.
Was at the forefront once upon a time now a dated piece of Swedish rubbish.
Volvo going the same way.
Built to a price not to a quality
Truth is that no manufacturer gives a monkeys anymore, sell em cheap and screw em on the parts.
Once the warranty has expired then they really start to make some money.
An instance just replaced a flap ram(excuse my French) on a dohllandia tail lift.
600 quid for some poxy 25 mm one way ram!
On the “course” the man said they sell tail lifts at a loss,they make money on parts
Need a “pattern” manufacturer to make parts with a 20% profit margin not like these robbin pigs operating at 200 to 300% profit cut.
They were all good until company accountants started cost cutting and now all we are left with are plastic pigs.
All truck manufacturers are the same as well as the dealers regarding aftercare once they sell a company some units. One of our 12 plate mercs needs a new starter motor and we can’t get one for love nor money, they haven’t even got any in Germany!
We’re getting problems on our MP3 units where they are knocking themselves out of auto box into manual and you can’t select a gear for about 10-20 secs, this happens mainly in stop start traffic. Our garage has got on to the merc dealers in Sheffield and rang Mecedes up but they’re saying there is nothing wrong with the gearboxes
Once the truck leaves the showroom they don’t give 2 ■■■■■, they have your money
Scania wanted about £500 last year for a bracket on the propshaft of an 06 p reg 8wheeler I was driving. My father in law made a replacement for about £180.
Their new 8wheelers are nice looking but a MAN, Daf or Hino do the same job for a lot less.
We have the the new Actros, it’s an entry level vehicle which has everything and more than the watch on the dash, I suspect all other manufacturers have the same thing??
Do they still have candles for headlights and park benches for seats.
Its Scania jumping on this whole “wearable tech” bandwagon. Speaking of Scania, I drove my first Scania today and it wasn’t that bad. Aside from the stupid clutch semi-auto gearbox.