So I’ve just started a new job and I’ve been given a Scania, so naturally not everything works, firstly it’s got a kenwood radio fitted but every time I turn off the ign it looses all its presets and settings, so I want to fit a new radio pref with Bluetooth so I can stream from my phone.
The truck is a 14plate P450 construction spec tipper with a day cab, so will my radio be 12 or 24v?
Secondly it has a night heater fitted but it doesn’t work, if I push the button on the dash or the handheld control after 3 seconds it gives me a continuous tone and comes up with heater error on the handheld, are there any usual problems I should look for? And where is the heater, my Volvo had it behind the passenger seat but it isn’t there in the Scania so I havent been able to check for blockages
So I’ve just started a new job and I’ve been given a Scania, so naturally not everything works, firstly it’s got a kenwood radio fitted but every time I turn off the ign it looses all its presets and settings, so I want to fit a new radio pref with Bluetooth so I can stream from my phone.
The truck is a 14plate P450 construction spec tipper with a day cab, so will my radio be 12 or 24v?
Secondly it has a night heater fitted but it doesn’t work, if I push the button on the dash or the handheld control after 3 seconds it gives me a continuous tone and comes up with heater error on the handheld, are there any usual problems I should look for? And where is the heater, my Volvo had it behind the passenger seat but it isn’t there in the Scania so I havent been able to check for blockages
The radio issue points to not having a permanent live feed to said radio. You need to investigate the wiring. The nightheater could well be the new version Scania introduced which has a common fault. Think it’s been discussed on here before so may be worth searching for that thread
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