scania 143

in a topic about the new scania not so long back alot of folk said the 143 or the 3series were the last good truck scania made so i was woundering how many of ya would choose to drive one over todays motors :laughing:

Dunno, but you see plenty of 'em for sale.

Mostly 96’s on an N reg going for £8-10k, not even looking particularly ‘clean’! :open_mouth:

Dunno if I am qualified to comment after being away from it for a few years, but will have my 2 bobs worth :wink:

2 series & 3 series were ok (IMHO), had them both for quite some time. Driven a few 4 series & to me they didn’t seem that much different, maybe a bit better ride, maybe a bit quiter but that’s about it.

As for the old being better …

When the F10 was launched, I can remember all the old hands shouting about how the F88 was so much more of a machine.

When the 112 was introduced, everyone that didn’t have one screamed about the 111 or 141

Wait 10 years & you will hear everyone shouting how good the 4 series was compared to this crappy new 127 :laughing:

in a topic about the new scania not so long back alot of folk said the 143 or the 3series were the last good truck scania made so i was woundering how many of ya would choose to drive one over todays motors :laughing:

i know carl all these the old scanias and volvos were best well my attitude is bugger off and drive them then and ill stick to the new 55 regs.

At our place we`ve just gone from these
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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
To these
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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Theyre just coming up to 70000ks and they rattle & shake you to death already
I had 26 ton on one last monday night and for 460bhp it was crap.
Iam with Jess Dad on the point of nice new motors,
but as far as these U Boats go id gladly go back 14 years and have my old 113m 310 over these things.( but i dont want that hair do again though :blush: )
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:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :sunglasses:

You are right about the hair. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Did you lose a bet. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

ive done it and its great not much different

Hi everyone,

I am very fortunate to own a really good 143, and i would not swop it for anything.

She is solid, reliable, and has plenty of torque, and my maintainence costs are virtually nil, even at 900000 KM!!

I travel the length and breadth of the country, and all parts would appear to be available in the unlikely event of me needing them, infact Scania still look after the vehicle.

But the most important factor to me is the fact that i am getting the same money as everyone else for the work, without the h/p costs that go with it!!!

This truck really set a standard, which is probably hard to beat even today, but i guess we have moved on.

Yes, you do have to live in a relatively confined cab, and the eminox belts out a sweet(but noisy) tune, compared with today, but i will stick with mine as long as i can, she is superb!!

Just my view, but judging by the admiring comments i receive, quite a few others must agree, infact one gent offered me £14K for it only last week.



P.S - if you see a shiny brunswick green 143M topliner/streamliner on the road, then give me a wave, would be good to meet you!)

Hi everyone,

I am very fortunate to own a really good 143, and i would not swop it for anything.

She is solid, reliable, and has plenty of torque, and my maintainence costs are virtually nil, even at 900000 KM!!

I travel the length and breadth of the country, and all parts would appear to be available in the unlikely event of me needing them, infact Scania still look after the vehicle.

But the most important factor to me is the fact that i am getting the same money as everyone else for the work, without the h/p costs that go with it!!!

This truck really set a standard, which is probably hard to beat even today, but i guess we have moved on.

Yes, you do have to live in a relatively confined cab, and the eminox belts out a sweet(but noisy) tune, compared with today, but i will stick with mine as long as i can, she is superb!!

Just my view, but judging by the admiring comments i receive, quite a few others must agree, infact one gent offered me £14K for it only last week.



P.S - if you see a shiny brunswick green 143M topliner/streamliner on the road, then give me a wave, would be good to meet you!)

Get some pics up then :sunglasses:

This truck really set a standard, which is probably hard to beat even today, … she is superb!!

When these were mentioned on here a few months ago, a couple of replies mentioned that you needed to have a ‘gentle right foot’. How do you find your MPG??

I agree with the above - show some pictures!!!

I had a 3 series (not streamliner) 450 Carl, and the motor was fun to drive no doubt! But, the cab was a standard twin bunk dog kennel, with the top bunk took out and bottom raised a foot or so, still there was not much room and they aint a lot of fun for out all week as you know! I also hated the 4 series topline I drove as the bloody space for a midget in the footwell.

Personally I’d take a new big cab wagon of any make whatever over any of the old 3 series, I couldnt give a ■■■■■■■■ over the looks or the engine power as long as theres lots of room and comfort! The most comfy I ever got was in the Seddon, bad day when the ■■■■■■■ went ■■■■ up! :laughing: :laughing:

mal you sure about there being no room in 4 series topliner the passenger seat should slide back

Never mind your Scania’s, give me that old F12 globe back that I had once for a couple of months. Not sure what engine size it was, perhaps only a 400 (?) but I loved it and it drove spot on and pulled like a train. :sunglasses:

In fact, saw an F16 globe for sale in a recent copy of CM for £5k :astonished: . Was very tempted but not sure what I’d do with it once I had it :confused: :laughing: .

In fact, saw an F16 globe for sale in a recent copy of CM for £5k . Was very tempted but not sure what I’d do with it once I had it

prehaps become a glory boy od running for under a qiud a mile prehaps :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

mal you sure about there being no room in 4 series topliner the passenger seat should slide back

Im on about the driving seat Alix! i was jammed into a tiny space for pedals whilst being sat in a chalet, it felt mad! :laughing: Oh, theres plenty of living space.

:smiley: Just got ADSL Went back to Engineering and Iam in Algeria Three days ago had a delivery from the port A Scania 141 and she was in very good condition the driver siad she pulled like a train and would not swop her for anything only a few drops of oil on the ground not bad for a 28 year old truck no smoke either sounded sweet .

Interesing comments from a variety of folks, and there is no doubt that the more modern trucks have a lot more appeal.

And an interesting comment from Alix776 re: glory owner drivers running for under £1 per mile!!!

My 143 is spot on , and rest assured i run for alot more than £1 per mile, and infact there are many people with new trucks running for less!

Dont knock the o/d "s who operate older tackle and are proud off it, this industry needs professional people and many of hem do a good , reliable, and safe job for an already trodden over industry.

Just my view, but my customers are prepared to pay for a proper service, and indeed many are very pleased to see the truck on a daily basis, although it may be said they could hear it coming anyway!!.

Please note i m not out to offend any one person, but this job is really about how you portray yourself and your ability to succeed, not how wonderful your new truck is!!



Here’s one for sale on EBay