Scania 113's /93's

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This one’s still out and about every week, over 2 million K’s and still drives better than a 4 series :wink:


This was parked up on there yard having a spot of light restoration around two years ago. Nice to see it completed and on the road. It looks well.


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Some pic’s of a few I had whilst on for Dukes Transport in the 90’s.

Dave Penn;



my mate Bob getting down and dirty with his 113 1995

at the truckshow, it earnt him a highly commended

the yard 1994

me and a stepframe tilt 1994

Saw this baby mmmmm fella trying to sell me it :laughing:

She a euro 1 looks in bloody good nick for her age

Am I right I saying she a streamline ?

yes it is a Streamline.

yes it is a Streamline.

Cheers mate I tho so but wasn’t sure

F424 YOA…a good old bus.

My 93, a lovely lorry to own and operate.

Not very fancy, but a shot of my grandfathers last Scania (and only 113).


This was new to Nether Water plant.

my first artic

some of the rest of the fleet

I had a 113 360 R cab 6x2 rear lift. K121 UVU got it from Keltruck, it was a beauty. The previous owners had it from new then chopped it in for a new one, after a time they needed another truck so Keltruck sold it back to them. The owners had it blasted and repainted it ran it for a while longer then got rid of it again. I feel in love with it when I saw it at Keltrucks yard but it wasn’t quite right as it had no air deflector on it. So to clinch the deal Keltruck supplied me with a full air kit.
I ran it for a while then things went wrong and I had to sell it. They were all going export at the time and that’s the only way I could sell it… A sad day. Wish I hung onto it they are worth money now, saw one on pistonheads a few months back for £15.000 :open_mouth:


This looks like an old North Sea Express (NSE) truck from Zeebrugge…


P.A.M. DeJong… Had one of them drive into the back of my trailer while waiting to board the boat In Calais… :unamused: :unamused:

Delivering PVC resin powder

A few more