Say goodbye to your jobs-self driving trucks in UK 2023

There’s nothing a driver can see that can’t be seen by a camera.There’s no weather condition that a driver can see through better than a camera.

Oh yeah? Tell that to my anti collision sensors in heavy spray or snow when their failure is lighting my dashboard up.

the maoster:

There’s nothing a driver can see that can’t be seen by a camera.There’s no weather condition that a driver can see through better than a camera.

Oh yeah? Tell that to my anti collision sensors in heavy spray or snow when their failure is lighting my dashboard up.

I never said the AI is perfect nor that they have installed the best heat/movement sensing cameras.

Indeed you didn’t, but you did say that there’s nothing that the MK1 eyeball can see that a camera can’t. I merely pointed out how wrong you were.

I’d love to see one of these getting around a building site. :smiley:

The cameas already fitted round my beasty are about as much use as the proverbial chocolate fireguard in the rain, cause all sorts of random flashes in the live dash screen as water drips from the lenses, worse still when it’s dark and infa red is on.

I can’t get me head round supposed lorry drivers seemingly eager to be put out of work by some half baked electronic tat that has all the chances of working properly for a few weeks at best before needing repair replacement or recalibration.
If you hate the bloody job that much that you want to be automated out of it do what Harry and his bleedin Mrs should have done instead of what they have done (ie olympic standard wingeing), bugger off and find another job that you do like.

Drivers worthy of the name won’t be put out of work, much of the electronic tat that we already have is unfit for purpose, invariably there’s something needing attention every few weeks or sooner, and what we already have is a mere deposit on the sensors monitors and systems that would be needed to make a vehicle fully autonomous, first salty winter and half the imagined self driving trucks in this country alone would fail.



I don’t think AI is the problem, it’s the myriad of sensors and cameras it’s going to require all around the veihcle and still they will be limited by static position/lack of foresight and planning ahead/distance/angles/weathe rconditions/blind spots (vehicles unexpectedly jumping out of side roads, anyone?)

There’s nothing a driver can see that can’t be seen by a camera, in fact it’s a lot better to put cameras all over the truck than have a driver in just one position. There’s no weather condition that a driver can see through better than a camera. There’s no side road emerging vehicle that can be seen by a driver that can’t be better seen by a camera.

these cameras would have to be insanely advanced to be able to recognize a mostly obstructed vehicle which a human would instantly recognize or simply by noticing lightbeams approaching (at night). If you ever used adaptive CC in intense traffic you will know how bad it is as it has 0 view beyond the vehicle immediately in front, Unless all AI vehicles are in constant communication with one another the queues will be unmanageable

Also you will pretty much need to have every single sensor and camera at least 2 of each in case 1 of them fails at any time due to whatever reason.

Important to note that the cameras and sensors on trucks right now are like generation 1/2 and are only going to get better.

There is of course some stuff that a computer will struggle with for example a kid playing near a road. Now he may be a safe distance away… Until he’s not. But just a matter of time before all the issues get ironed out.

But like I said we are decades away from this happening

the maoster:

There’s nothing a driver can see that can’t be seen by a camera.There’s no weather condition that a driver can see through better than a camera.

Oh yeah? Tell that to my anti collision sensors in heavy spray or snow when their failure is lighting my dashboard up.

Funnily enough all the trucks I’ve driven in the last few years with ‘driver assist’ features have had many issues with the anti collision or lane departure making ‘interventions’ when none was needed, so the original point made is wildly optimistic to say the least.

We are instantly held to account the moment we insert our tacho card for any driving error, vehicle defect, load restraint to name a few and I can’t see how that can be deferred to an autonomous system.

A very good way to show the powers that be, how crap all these systems are, would be to stop and call in a defect, EVERY time a warning light goes off. …


the maoster:

There’s nothing a driver can see that can’t be seen by a camera.There’s no weather condition that a driver can see through better than a camera.

Oh yeah? Tell that to my anti collision sensors in heavy spray or snow when their failure is lighting my dashboard up.

Funnily enough all the trucks I’ve driven in the last few years with ‘driver assist’ features have had many issues with the anti collision or lane departure making ‘interventions’ when none was needed, so the original point made is wildly optimistic to say the least.

We are instantly held to account the moment we insert our tacho card for any driving error, vehicle defect, load restraint to name a few and I can’t see how that can be deferred to an autonomous system.

My point was, if you think about what you can see on an IMAX cinema screen for example, that has all been through a camera, or soldiers night vision goggles, or police thermal imaging cameras. The possibility is there already with cameras. I don’t think for one minute that any of these superdoooper cameras have been installed in trucks yet, but the possibility is there, just like a reversing camera has surely got to be better than what a driver can see doing a blindside reverse. So as an aid, yes the possibility is there. Not saying they’re anywhere close to doing away with a driver.

the nodding donkey:
A very good way to show the powers that be, how crap all these systems are, would be to stop and call in a defect, EVERY time a warning light goes off. …

Are you able to defect your truck and refuse to drive it when the radio doesn’t work?
When my adaptive cruise control fails an amber warning light is displayed. Not a red warning light, therefore it is safe to continue. [emoji3544]

the nodding donkey:
A very good way to show the powers that be, how crap all these systems are, would be to stop and call in a defect, EVERY time a warning light goes off. … … in-hamburg

To be honest trains could of been automated years ago. It’s just a matter of the public adjusting to it.
Suffice to say these systems do fail for sure. But each time they are improved upon. With a train it often takes longer because for say an automated train there may only be a couple of similar trains out there so the chances of faults occuring are naturally smaller.

But with HGVs you could have tens of thousands out on the road. So each time a fault occurs it can be fixed and all other trucks can receive a similar update.

But we are still a little while off trucks sending real-time information and diagnostics to manufactures. Yea, the tech is already in place for it. But I guess maybe it is not cost-effective to do it. Who knows.


the nodding donkey:
A very good way to show the powers that be, how crap all these systems are, would be to stop and call in a defect, EVERY time a warning light goes off. … … in-hamburg

But we are still a little while off trucks sending real-time information and diagnostics to manufactures. Yea, the tech is already in place for it. But I guess maybe it is not cost-effective to do it. Who knows.

The new train will be fully automated, though a human operator will be present whenever passengers are onboard in order to ensure safety. Shunting maneuvers, such as turning the train around, can be carried out without anyone onboard. “We are making rail transport more intelligent,”

Royal Mail trunking is all A.I. will manage in the foreseeable future. No 2 infringements of the same type in a 12 month period. They need a robot to do that.

The game changer will be when all vehicles are fitted with a system that sends it’s status to all the vehicles around it, whether in line of sight or not, plus sufficiently well programmed vehicle management software that adapts to all the signals it receives.

Pedestrians will obviously have to chipped accordingly & the sewage system adapted to accommodate cyclists as it is unlikely that any software will be able to deal with their ****** and they will need to be kept safely out of the way.

I did hear a chap on the telly years ago ,he said nuclear power would make electricity to cheap to meter…Ido not know how far they have got with it but it must be due soon the man said so

Whose going to lean out of the window and push the security guard intercom button at the barrier
Whose going to put ratchet straps back on the load after a delivery

There’s a whole host of small jobs that need doing that have little to do with actually driving the truck

Grant Shapps is a tool

I’d like to see one of these “self driving trucks” get 27 tons of precast concrete a mile down a single track road in reverse because theres a low bridge and nowhere to turn at the delivery point . Until they can do that and not hit the bridge I think we are safe enough … alifornia/

Japan and China also have driverless taxis !!
As with electric vehicles they started small and have worked up to the bigger ones… (MUSK)

Some say its the most advanced self-driving system around:

A new meaning to the term “the blue screen of death”

One of the big issues is that it’s inevitable that AI will deem cyclists pests and target them.