
German Bratwurst…hardly any fat & delicious.

delicious yes :laughing: them German birds like to play " hide the ENGLISHMANS sausage too! :sunglasses: could live on them me! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

There’s a butchers near me called Warnock’s and the square sliced sausage are the best I’ve ever tasted. I’ve never even had anything else come close to being as good as theirs. So for me it has to be Lorne sausages all the way.


There really should be a separate forum for stuff like this.Does this actually interest some?
Moderators how about putting stuff like this into a different category.Yes I know I do not need to read it but can you imagine what outsiders think when they read some of the rubbish posted on a so called professional drivers forum… :unamused:

Yeah most of it from your fingers, I’m still not convinced you can drive anything bigger than a lawn mower.

old 67:
I guess you dont get north of the border much then ? :wink:
Regards John

Ahhh if you’d said square sausage, I’d have understood.

For me it’s got to be a quality ■■■■■■■■■■ sausage, however I don’t like those coarse cut meat ones.

Did any one else have an undeniable urge for a breakfast roll or a fry up after reading this thread :blush: i was planing on not eating any ■■■■ until friday :unamused: didn’t even make it a day :frowning:

North of the Border you can’t beat Steak square sausage in a crispy roll ,well fired if possible , can feel your Arteries harden as you eat it , not so keen in Lorne stuff , get your square slice from any reputable butcher by the ‘block’ ,rather than pre-packed guff , any west of Scotland person with heart disease will keep you right .

Traditionally, sausage should be manufactured from the belly of the pig, and may well contain offcuts and trimmings - off from other parts, such as the leg.
However, cheaper sausage will probably be made from the pig’s cheek or head.
(The cheek used to be roasted and the head made into brawn).
This is why I rarely if ever eat sausage, preferring bacon which is more identifiable. :wink:

Love a bit of lorne.
But must be on a decent well fired roll.

Costs me a fortune when I want one, 90 mile drive to scotland for a decent scotch roll :open_mouth: :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

■■■■■■■■■■ or Lincolnshire
re P&O too spicy as i remember

you are correct thomasb , always buy a block as it keeps better and doesn’t dry out . the local butcher in callendar sells the best i have tasted , it must be eaten on a fresh morning roll though .

■■■■■■■■■■ sausage for me. Often buy a big pack from ‘bomber’ when I’m down in Keswick. He had been making it for years. My dad used to be a butcher working with him when I was a boy.

When I was working as a chef we used to buy from him. The head chef would eat the sausage raw. It wasn’t too bad actually.

Regarding burnt rolls. …gad no. Wrong wrong wrong!

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ naked as my father used to ask for it. :wink:


Lorne for me, couldnt find down ere in yorkshire so i now make my own

try morrisons
in the frozen meat section.

yeah and iceland but they taste crap

Love a bit of lorne.
But must be on a decent well fired roll.

Costs me a fortune when I want one, 90 mile drive to scotland for a decent scotch roll :open_mouth: :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

the cafe in the glasgow fruit market did a well nice lorne slice and well fired glasgow roll, making me hungry now lol

Teebay truckstop does homemade sausages.Very good.

■■■■■■■■■■ are very tasty, although my favourite is boar & apricot Mmmmm delicious, just thinking about them is making my mouth water :smiley: