Saturday Tests

Been into the local test centre today to catch up with me mates and they told me Saturday tests are a thing of the past. Is this nationwide, and if so why?

At the moment that seems to be the case but the examiners are complaining about it as they want them back. So fingers crossed.

You’re pretty well right. Overtime has been stopped because of the general decline in take up for tests during the week. But chatting to an examiner today, he informed me that Nottingham test centre can offer Saturday tests if, on the previous Wednesday, there are only 2 or 3 slots available for the Thursday/Friday. Saturday tests are happening there. The obvious downside is the lack of notice.
Maybe this helps.

Nottingham test centre can offer Saturday tests if, on the previous Wednesday, there are only 2 or 3 slots available for the Thursday/Friday.

Sounds like a token offering for something they know we probably cannot use.

For example if a trainee fails his/her test on say Tuesday and wants a retest then they have to wait three clear working days which would be Wed Thur Fri so Saturday would be fine.
But only Tuesday or Monday failures would get the timing right for that because before that they would not know how many slsots the Wednesday would have.
Or have I misread something somewhere.