Saturday night at the movies … spartanntp


Who can’t spot a white tractor unit sneaking up on them and then staying level with them deserves all they get.

Well he obviously couldn’t . :open_mouth:
Nor could the others mentioned in the video .

Mind you , they were far too engrossed in anything & everything else , rather than what was going on on the road around them . :unamused: :open_mouth:

Baffles me that people are willing to not only risk their lives and the lives of others. But also in the case of lorry drivers their means of earning a living.

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from the completely irrelevant and biased view from the police cam then your vison would only be obscured if you were one f snowhites dwarves and driving the truck…another good reason to only watch tv and driving when your on the wire and nobodys going to catch up with you…