Sat Nav

Looking to buy a sat nav. Any advice on which ones are favourite at the minute for bridge heights/downloads/ best place to buy etc. All advice welcome. :slight_smile:

Probably not the answer your"e looking for but have you considered buying
a decent truckers atlas ?
Am i the only one that still uses a map?

Am i the only one that still uses a map?

A SatNav IS a map. It’s a map with a few extra bells and whistles.
(And it does from City Street scale to National scale, and it fits in your pocket. No need for a 3 cwt bread crate, brilliant)

Use it the same way as you use a paper map.
ie - This looks like a sensible route from here to there.
Several hours later –
Oh dear, I appear to have choosen a poor route, perhaps I should consider a different road as this one doesn’t seem suitable for this vehicle.

More commonly expressed by " Oh [ZB]". :laughing: :laughing:

a truckers atlas how quaint :slight_smile:

Don’t waste your money on a sat nav with all the bells and whistles.
A cheap tomtom used with some common sense is sufficent. I’ve got tomtom 720 and never use most of the features.

Ive got a tom tom 720 and it works fine, managed to download the poi’s onto it, low bridges, truckstops, red fuel depot’s etc. Very easy to use.


like this eh :stuck_out_tongue:

over priced and over rated

there are problems with the map data and there are other solution available that are cheeper