Sat Nav Signal ~ the inside story

Hi folks
I have been following the discussions on the Sat Nav Signal thread, so as not to hijack it, here is the inside story to the Galileo project:-

The European Commission have ordered 22 satellites to give a European owned GPS system.
OHB here in Germany are building them, with a Surrey Satellites in the UK providing a significant part, but other suppliers are used as well. The first two were launched on 22nd August and are working well. :slight_smile:

BUT> the Russian launcher put them in the wrong orbit over our planet. A very long way out of place. So far out of place they have been deemed useless for the original purpose. :blush: (I did suggest Ebay and buyer collect)

There is a big investigation which should decide what will happen to them, answers may be available at the end of the month, possibly…

Production is well advanced on the rest, currently up to number 11, and the next launch is planned (but not confirmed) for early December.

And finally, the GPS signal here on terra firma is very low power, so any interference will screw it up. Power cables, screen coating, heated screen, CB radio, wrong colour socks and other stuff.

Have a good Friday

Good post i have the tomtom 5150 im having to update daily to to keep my gps as it is terrible for losing signal, but not good when muti dropping and my head is blowing up nearly thrown it out the window the other week i have two tomtoms and they both lose signal. :smiling_imp:

Thank you very much for that. So basically blame the Russians. Not handy on multi drop though as Sweeper said. If I stand outside the cab, I can get a bit of signal, but not sufficient to locate me. Just ordered an external antenna, before reading this, to see if that solves the problem. Sounds like it may be a waste of pennies. :frowning: