sat nav blunder

an agency driver showed up with his sat nav,d’ye need any directions/maps, no the fellow replied i’ve got my satnav he set off 0730 by 0800 he’d whacked a bridge in falkirk, tried to put a decker under the bridge @ Camelon falkirk, driver’s o.k. pride dented, trailer gubbed. :confused:

Aint a Satnav blunder , its a Mr Magoo spec savers driver blunder.

SatNav dont make you do anything , its the chimp steering that drove into bridge. :unamused:

Suffolk ReeferBoy:
Aint a Satnav blunder , its a Mr Magoo spec savers driver blunder.

SatNav dont make you do anything , its the chimp steering that drove into bridge. :unamused:

Absolutely correct.

Seconded. I use Satnav and never had a problem yet.

i treat my sat nav like my wife. I listen to every word she says then i do what ever i want

I have recently downloaded bridge heights onto my Tom Tom…

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

i’ve got the bridge heights on my tomtom as well but still you can get caught out with unlisted bridges. There’s no substitute for actually paying attention to road signs and using common sense.

Ive been stuck in traffic, sat navs on and ive still got the map out… people must look up and go what the heck? :laughing:

I like to double check first, i love what dave wrote though “i treat my sat nav like my wife. I listen to every word she says then i do what ever i want” lol!

There’s no substitute for actually paying attention to road signs and using common sense.

I agree, waiting for the weight limits now… :sunglasses:

I wonder how all the drivers who slate sat navs used to get on before we had bridge height maps? I have been driving for 30 years and for the first 25 years never had one of those truckers maps and have never hit or come close to hitting a bridge. :smiley:
For the last 5 years I have been using sat nav, and guess what!!! I still haven’t hit a bridge…
I did get stuck down a very narrow lane once, but that was in 1984, can you guess what I was using to navigate with then? :unamused: :wink:

I have never seen a double decker but with sat nav fitted, but I have seen loads of pictures of them stuck under bridges :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I don’t have sat nav with bridge heights or a map with bridge heights either.

I tend to always ask advice before i do any run where i am going somewhere i’ve never been before. Usually another driver or get advice from the place i am visiting. Apart from bridge heights or streets too small for HGV’s find a lot of the places i go to the address of the company is wrong or the enterance to the company is not straight forward.

Ok thats not always possible but even still i check the height of the trailer and bother to look at road signs and manage not to smash into bridges and in the past a lot of my work involved double decker trailers and urban areas.

I have always wanted to say to some one, where do you want this bridge mate?.. :laughing: :laughing:

how did drivers cope in the old days before sat nav, mobile phones and maps with bridge heights?
If i get an address i don’t trust i check it out on or google it on my mobile. If i’m going somewhere new i’ll ask advice here. My dad used to just get on with it!

There are two versions of Sat Nav available now. 1 for motorists and 1 for commercial vehicles.

How did anyone cope without mobile phones the Internet, Instant Coffee and tipped ■■■■…

Makes you wonder… :laughing:

used the customers phone
brewed the coffee in the perculator
don;t smoke

is it sat nav problem or driver as after all i passed the test, turn the wheel, not the sat nav, i use satnav to help me out but havent hit anything, well not yet :laughing:

:blush: point taken, mr magoo it is then. :wink:

That bridge in Falkirk is well sign posted, in advance, from before a roundabout, as a 15 foot bridge.

Mr Magoo, definitely.

Years ago it was nearly all rope and sheet .No curtain siders and a few box trailers and no rushing about and timed slots at RDC’s Now goods go from one end of the country to RDC’s to be taken back to where they came from to go to a super market . Alot of the old way’s if they went to Scotland from London they would be told to pick up a load at Joe blogs ETC and that’s what they did No time slot’s turn up and get loaded .none of the [zb] we have now.

God, this is getting boring. L. :unamused: