Same here

Hi Easyg
Same here, I did my first class 2 on Fri 2 Dec. I asked for a tacho and they reluctantly gave me one, its like they are in short supply or something. Then to make things worse I find that I have to go to London with 3 other blokes in the cab, could’nt find reverse as it was not marked on the gearknob but eventually found it when the guy who was sitting behind me moved his foot off the console where the gears were marked. I was a bit better off than you as regards the vehicle it was an 04 plate Renualt 17 tonner with more gadgets than I knew existed. One thing I found really strange is that the seats were suspended on air and I had to resist the temptation to feel seasick, at first I thought this seat is’nt fixed down but soon got used to it
P.S the vehicle you were driving sounds like the one I trained on.
PPS they all kept calling me Drive!

One thing I found really strange is that the seats were suspended on air and I had to resist the temptation to feel seasick, at first I thought this seat is’nt fixed down but soon got used to it

On the Renaults I’ve driven this type of seat has been adjustable to suit your weight.

I drive in the strangest position (so people tell me!) most seats adjust the air to your weight and my ■■■■ is big enough to keep the compressor occupied :wink: :blush: :laughing: so I dump the air out and sit on the floor so to speak, I also have the back rest right back but I am comfortable that way. you will get better at sorting the seat out and it is ALWAYS worth the effort. Long journeys when the seat isn’t right WILL cause aches and pains. If you don’t have electric mirrors then do make the effort to adjust them, the blind spots on wagons are big enough without making them worse with poor positioning. I do feel sorry for repton and nessa who both drive vehicles that I have completely re-organised, it must take them ages to be able to see out of the window screen. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: