Sainsbury's @ Stoke

taking a box in is a pain in the ■■■ get on a bay hang keys up etc sit and wait they crack the seal then go back out pull forward open doors and back on again :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: i was in allington ( one just of the m20 ) and i was the only english lad in there
at least at tesco you can crack your own seal hell the one at livingston serves breakie dinner and tea now :open_mouth:


bald bloke:
Sainsbury’s don’t seem to do waiting rooms like Tosco do, the one at Emersons is almost on a par with a telephone box.

What about basingstoke? Thats a nice and comfy with plenty room to stretch out a bit. not. :smiley:

Went to Basingstoke about a month ago. All 4 seats in drivers lobby were full when I booked in so after backing on bay I went to the bog for a sesh :smiley:
After about 30 mins I walked the mile back to the Goods In office only to be told a pallet was broken and I had to go and inspect to see if ‘I’ wanted to restack on another pallet. Luckily they let me walk through the warehouse which halved the walk!!

Obviously I told them I wasnt restacking as it was the customers fault and not the drivers and, after reloading it, drove back around to goods in for my notes. Thank God as im a fatty and all that walking was killing me!! :blush: