What’s the blonde nutter on about with safety features on lorries in London? If lorries don’t have them then there is a fine, it would be nice if they advertise the bloody thing rather then people guessing. Also the video is from a cyclist agreeing that lorries should be banned at Peak times, but again being stupid he is not thinking right and looking at the bigger picture.
Its not a great example but i think hes on about what could happen, not what is happening.I must have missed the cyclist talking, all sounded like boris to me.
Description box
Even if I wanted to wait in that traffic at peak hour I’d rather the HGV came back another time.
Sorry, not getting it. What’s a description box? Still sounds like two bits of boris speak stuck together to me.
Go to any RDC and health and safety dictates that you can’t walk freely around the yard, you have to keep to walkways, you have to stay in waiting/holding areas or even cages. You have to beepers 4ways on whilst manoeuvring. Mandatory wearing of Hi-viz etc.
Then you are allowed to take an artic with many blind spots into a heavily built up urban environment driving down roads with pedestrians who don have to wear hi-viz within feet of a moving truck. Having to pass parked vehicles within inches.
How is a truck with so many blind spots allowed in any city centre?
Go to any RDC and health and safety dictates that you can’t walk freely around the yard, you have to keep to walkways, you have to stay in waiting/holding areas or even cages. You have to beepers 4ways on whilst manoeuvring. Mandatory wearing of Hi-viz etc.But
Then you are allowed to take an artic with many blind spots into a heavily built up urban environment driving down roads with pedestrians who don have to wear hi-viz within feet of a moving truck. Having to pass parked vehicles within inches.
How is a truck with so many blind spots allowed in any city centre?
Don’t know what you drive but where are all these numerous blindspots? mirror at the front covers the front of the lorry, wide angles cover down the sides if positioned correctly and as for the bind spot by the drivers door before pulling off just lift yourself up in the seat and check that. In the video the cyclist is joining the traffic no one made him go up the inside of the traffic he could have waited a few seconds for the lorry to straighten up and he would have been clearly visible to the driver.
In the Times today there are four letters reference this subject one states that cyclist must obey the rules of the road, the second blames the planning and layout of junctions, the third disagrees with the vehicle driver always being presumed guilty in the case of an accident finally the fourth says that she is fed of having near misses with vehicles whilst on her bike then goes on to say that she has been hit twice by the wing mirrors by cars so away from the BBC who seem to be going flat out to paint lorry drivers as killers at every opportunity the rest of the UK has a much more unbiased take on the problem. I am both a road and mountain biker so see both sides of it, ironically the only place I have been knocked off my bike is in that cycling utopia Europe knocked off by an old lady in Germany in a merc her excuse “didn’t see him” no action taken by the polizei so, so much for the vehicle driver is always to blame and I was on a cycle path running parallel to the road
Go to any RDC and health and safety dictates that you can’t walk freely around the yard, you have to keep to walkways, you have to stay in waiting/holding areas or even cages. You have to beepers 4ways on whilst manoeuvring. Mandatory wearing of Hi-viz etc.But
Then you are allowed to take an artic with many blind spots into a heavily built up urban environment driving down roads with pedestrians who don have to wear hi-viz within feet of a moving truck. Having to pass parked vehicles within inches.
How is a truck with so many blind spots allowed in any city centre?
You for real?
Trucks been going in and out of city centres for many of years, even before I was born. Cycling to work etc is on the rise due to the costs of running a car now days and with wages not going up to match the prices that are, hence why people use bicycles, but that’s not the sole reason. There are many other reasons like keeping fit or just want to be a prat
You cannot state there is a difference to a city with stupid OTT RDC policy, come on. What planet are you on
What’s the blonde nutter on about with safety features on lorries in London? If lorries don’t have them then there is a fine, it would be nice if they advertise the bloody thing rather then people guessing. Also the video is from a cyclist agreeing that lorries should be banned at Peak times, but again being stupid he is not thinking right and looking at the bigger picture.
The ‘bigger picture’ is obvious, discussed many times on here but ultimately not of concern to us drivers.
Us being banned from London’s busy streets at peak times is nothing but a positive, for our stress levels and those of all road users concerned. Special instances where HGV’s must use the roads at a certain time, will surely be catered for.
What’s the blonde nutter on about with safety features on lorries in London? If lorries don’t have them then there is a fine, it would be nice if they advertise the bloody thing rather then people guessing. Also the video is from a cyclist agreeing that lorries should be banned at Peak times, but again being stupid he is not thinking right and looking at the bigger picture.The ‘bigger picture’ is obvious, discussed many times on here but ultimately not of concern to us drivers.
Us being banned from London’s busy streets at peak times is nothing but a positive, for our stress levels and those of all road users concerned. Special instances where HGV’s must use the roads at a certain time, will surely be catered for.
Good point. What get’s my goat though is people cry, and people get. It’s a shame that there is a idiot running mayor who has not got a clue and is also a cyclist, so a cyclist cries, cyclist get’s. Think about it if he was a HGV lover? wonder what he would be like then.
London will only suffer and the drivers will only get a holiday from it
I’d love to see that, a random day when trucks aren’t allowed into towns/cities whatever for just 24hrs…
I’d love to see that, a random day when trucks aren’t allowed into towns/cities whatever for just 24hrs…
Needs to be longer then that. make it a week.
Needs to be longer then that. make it a week.
That’d be interesting, you think people will appreciate them more?
Needs to be longer then that. make it a week.That’d be interesting, you think people will appreciate them more?
NO! just phone calls “Where is my stuff you ■■■■■■■ inbred ■■■■■ - Go and have a wash you smelly ■■■■■■
NO! just phone calls “Where is my stuff you [zb] inbred [zb]” - Go and have a wash you smelly [zb]
Sounds about right:lol:
The thing to remember is that’s nothing has happened yet and I doubt it will, not in the near future anyway. Boris says he wants to look into banning trucks, that’s politician speak for " I’ll do bugger all for now, let it die down a bit, then do nothing until I leave office"