Safety check

We had new MAN delivered in February 2015 it came with full wheel trims that make them look like there alloys,every time it went for it’s safety check I questioned weather the trims had been removed to check the wheel nuts because there wasn’t any dirty finger prints on them and believe me the they get oil everywhere else,dirty bar stewards,anyway I put a dab of paint on them lastweek before it went in and hay presto they hadn’t been removed,so when we phone the main dealer they admit that they hadn’t taken them off and there excuse being we don’t remove wheel trims!!! So the wheel nuts haven’t been checked for 9 months!!! Even though the service records show everything has been checked,ime shocked to tell the truth is this normal with main dealers?

do you mean like this? you don’t need to remove these to check the wheel nuts


Even though the service records show everything has been checked,ime shocked to tell the truth is this normal with main dealers?

Not sure, but the last place I worked we used to take the truck to a main dealer, the truck was never ready on time, stuff wasn’t done and the quality of the work that was done left much to be desired. We ended up taking the truck somewhere else, only then did they want to listen to our complaints about their work. :imp:

I now always keep an eye on what has supposed to have been done and keep a record to make sure stuff isn’t done more than it needs to.
Saying that the commercial workshop we use now are very good, but they are fully aware that I look round the trucks when they come back. :laughing:

How do the drivers check them on their walk round :question: