Safety Boots - which ones?

I am about to buy a set of new working boots suitable for truck driving work, but with safety standards always changing, and having been out of this business for a few years, suggestions would be welcome for both safety and comfort.

I am looking at DeWalt boots at the moment from Screwfix, but am open to suggestions and tips.

Thanks all


CATAPILLER here, ■■■■■ and look ok too. £26 or something like that from sports direct, I wouldn’t go daft though, they are just work boots atotd.

Cheers - appreciated :slight_smile:


Bach home:
I wouldn’t go daft though, they are just work boots atotd.

I disagree there you can spend anywhere from 40 to 70 hrs a week in them and having a good pair as opposed to a cheap pair might save your foot or toes as well as probably being more comfortable and lasting longer.

Just a bit of food for thought :wink:

That’s true! I have heard good things about DeWalt and Cat boots though. Caterpillar are generally cheaper it seems, but a lot fo people seem to prefer DeWalt for comfort and they have seem to last well.


Regardless of what you end up getting, spend a couple quid and buy yourself a long arm shoe horn. Saves your back putting them on and off, and more importantly will increase the life of your new boots massively. I used wear a pair out in 6 months, latest pair are a year old and still sound!

Google buckler boots from Dundee

Thanks everyone - useful tips :slight_smile:
