sad but

It’s nice to see a HGV getting praise for a change, just doing what HGV drivers used to do a lot, help people.

It’s nice to see a HGV getting praise for a change, just doing what HGV drivers used to do a lot, help people.

M62 crash: Baby boy and toddler sister die in hospital - BBC News

Poor guy it’s not a situation I’d ever like to find myself in with having a young family, someone buy this chap a beer!

A sad tragic event, especially when kids are involved.

It’s nice to see a trucker getting some praise for a change, good on him, although something like that is going to have some sort of bad effect on him.
I hope he handles it ok,… got to be honest not sure if I could.

A sad tragic event, especially when kids are involved.

It’s nice to see a trucker getting some praise for a change, good on him, although something like that is going to have some sort of bad effect on him.
I hope he handles it ok,… got to be honest not sure if I could.

Agreed Rob!

what a dreadful incident :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

It’s good to see praise being given to this driver in such tragic circumstances.

I can’t help but wonder if the emergency services handing out the praise stopped to check if he was a smelly overweight gormless insane extra from ‘One flew over the cuckoo’s nest’ before praising him, or if they just looked past the cover (whatever cover that may be) and just saw a decent caring compassionate human being for what he really was.