Russian Roulette

Unloading/ tipping ploughs south of Donetsk.

Just about there.

No forecourt at this service station.

joining the toll road round Moscow not much traffic on it though

Some great pics you got there hamishc! If you got some more i love to see them :smiley: . How far east did you go?


Baku was the furtherest east I ever went Danne. I had the opertunity to go to kahzacstan but I had already made my plans to return home. I should have came home for a holiday and gone back and given it a crack.

Winter driving conditions.

Parked up in Poltava.

Parked up in Poltava.

Nice pictures Hamishc1. I assume you carried a lot of chains with you.

Yes Johny chains were a must . I learnt to put them on before you got stuck to. This was after getting stuck halfway up shipka in Bulgaria one night . A pack of ■■■■ got me a tow to the top by a snow plough but the thought of being stuck there all night was enough to give me the ■■■■■■

Some pics I took on that trip, Hamish. The first one was taken at Merzifon TIR check point in Turkey.

Bridge in Azerbaijan.

Dieseling up in Ganja truck-stop in Azerbaijan. Remember those awful showers! And that kettle with the live wire conection?

Stripping out in the rig-blast yard at Baku.

The Willie Lambie drivers in Turkey.


Baku was the furtherest east I ever went Danne. I had the opertunity to go to kahzacstan but I had already made my plans to return home. I should have came home for a holiday and gone back and given it a crack.

Well Baku is pretty far to eh :smiley:
Yeah you should done that mate,i for sure would love to have done Kazakstan trips. Some great pics you got there to! As for chains,i to used them allt when i was doing Norway. But the midlift isnt the best for winter conditons. I started with a midlift on the Norway work but soon got a rearlift and thats what you whant!


Robert, (ERF etc, etc! :laughing: ) any chance of posting a readable copy of the LDD to Baku that you wrote and relevant to Hamish please? Im sure I may I have read it quite a few years ago. Did you all have some weird load, specially cast / shaped concrete sleepers, moulded ingots or something? Or am I imagining it? Cheers if you can! :wink:

Robert, (ERF etc, etc! :laughing: ) any chance of posting a readable copy of the LDD to Baku that you wrote and relevant to Hamish please? Im sure I may I have read it quite a few years ago. Did you all have some weird load, specially cast / shaped concrete sleepers, moulded ingots or something? Or am I imagining it? Cheers if you can! :wink:

For you ‘bullitt’, I am happy to oblige so here goes:

The concrete mats were made to hold the pipe line down on the sea floor (caspien sea). Did this oil or gas ever get piped across Russia as planned?

Robert Hackford & Tommy Don in Romania on the return trip.

Hey, thanks to all for all reports, very nice to read.


…For you ‘bullitt’, I am happy to oblige so here goes…

:laughing: …cheers old chap. That is interesting stuff and good to read it again, thank you. :wink:

Edit…I just re read your diary Robert and I didn’t realise that you were a travelling reporter on this trip! I originally assumed that you were one of the drivers. Not taking anything away from you though as we all know you have put in the miles in many routes East as well as being an OD!! Good stuff.


…For you ‘bullitt’, I am happy to oblige so here goes…

:laughing: …cheers old chap. That is interesting stuff and good to read it again, thank you. :wink:

1 + Thats att good read! One of the beter LDDs i have read.
