Russell Davies

I remember then having around 700 vehicles before they sold out, they moved away from containers into every facet of haulage, they are probably the second highest profile haulier after Stobart.

I remember then having around 700 vehicles before they sold out, they moved away from containers into every facet of haulage, they are probably the second highest profile haulier after Stobart.

I would put Glyn Davies, streets ahead of Stobart, ancient and modern, although that is probably unfair as I never met the Stobart bruvvers.

Russell Davies
Hanbury Davies
Hanbury Riverside
and the longterm relationship between Davies and Riverside Commercials

I know one other man who sold the same company about 7 times over and he is also enjoying his golf and holidays in the sun

I worked for SOL at the depot in Diss - closer to Stanton - It stayed McGregor - Cory for years - even though the wagons changed to Securicor Omega Logistics - most of the original RD drivers are still there today - Then it all got bought by DHL including the site - if you want your book signing let me know i have Simons number - he is our DGSA

Russell Davies also had some motors running out of Hull. I rememer one driver of theirs with CB handle of Ambasador or something like that but I cant remember his bloody name. Sad isn’t it, getting old I mean.
Cliff :unamused:

Surely Simon Waspe doesn’t have all the Russell Davies Photos■■?

I worked for RD at the Peterborough depot which was in Kenny transports yard then moved to Langtoft. It was one of the best jobs i ever had . Good well maintained vehicles a decent wage and easy work . Also a good crack with the other drivers. Daftest thing i did was to leave after 3 years found out the grass isnt greener on the other side

So When you left RD where did you go and what made you leave

I left because i was offered a lot more money and better working conditions both of which were a blatant lie from a so called friend .
I only stayed 2 months but could not get back on RDs. It was 20yrs ago so i am over it now

If i could remember how to download photos i would put some RD ones on here

Russell Davies was a very old haulage firm from the 30s or 40s They sold out to - P&0 – Coastal Roadways early 70s.
The son Glyn Davies later in the 70s moved to Felixtow to venture in the container business with the Russell Davies yellow and black livery.---- here’s agood question – Where in wales did Russell Davies start their business ?

cheeres -Hywel.

Tommy Williams ( TD Willims & Sons) was a driver with Russell Davies in the old days.
Tommy started his own long distance haulage in 1972 - a Schammell Handyman L reg.
He is meant to be the driver in this painting by Allan Spillet - Roadscapes.

cheers - Hywel.

I think Russell Davies started in pontardawe.

I think Russell Davies started in pontardawe.

Hi ec14,
Yes – It was Pontardawe , - Hauling from the Abbey and many other places, with Fodens Guys and AEC 8 leggers - then artics.
I remember two of the drivers – Danny Smith RIP from Trecastle and Tommy Williams from Brynaman.

cheers - Hywel


I worked for Russell Davies for 10 years in the traffic office beginning in Ernie Felgates old yard at Barking which they inherited then moving in with P&O at Box Lane Barking and latterly 39Berth Tilbury. Best job I’ve ever had even though wanted your pond of flesh it was well rewarded and great to be part of a growing company. The problem in the end was they were victims of there own success and got too big too quick .Heres a few pics from other threads on here . Will try and put some photos on I have at home tomorrow but as people have said Simon Waspe is the man.


Has anyone got any photos of Russell Davies they seemed to always have new and clean lorries i have the Russell Davies book that Simon Waspe wrote Russell Davies seemed to have so many lorries painted in different shipping lines like Evergreen Geest Dipgrove just a few to mention


It has been suggested that Russell Davies possibly ran an operation in Jeddah, Saudi in the '70s or '80s. Anyone know anything about this? Or drive out there for them? Or what lorries they used? Robert

It has been suggested that Russell Davies possibly ran an operation in Jeddah, Saudi in the '70s or '80s. Anyone know anything about this? Or drive out there for them? Or what lorries they used? Robert

All internal out of Jeddah. & Scania.

Anything in that Squadron 111. Book that was written about RD
