Heading south on the M1, climbing the hill before J22/Coalville. A Cop car comes past me, doing about 65 ish, he then slows me down to 45mph so he can Rubber Neck the accident on the north bound carriageway. KNOB ! (& they wonder why they don’t get much respect !)
A copper looking and probably assessing wether he might need to assist at an accident…whatever next…
Well Pal ! There was a fire engine & police already on site, so Mr knob Copper would have already known if he was needed & we all keep getting told not to Rubber Neck !
I was just pointing out what a knob he was by slowing me down on an uphill climb !
did he pull into your lane then??
I have flashed a copper before for doing the whole 55.5mph thing then speeding up when ive gone to overtake him, on the second time he did it i held my full beams down for about 5 seconds and then he ■■■■■■ off. I can appreciate they have got other things to do on their computer but you would expect more from a traffic cop… or so it should seem.
Yep, pulled onto the inside lane about 200 yards in front, no problem, then proceeded to slow down to look across at the accident, I was boxed in by cars in the middle lane climbing the hill, so I was boloxed, started catching him up, then had to lift off because I would have been Tailgating him. KNOB !
Then he didn’t even come off at the junction to assist with the accident, just shot off south bound. So he’s a Big Knob ! (Probably didn’t even know what was happening behind him)
Couldn’t be arsed to flash the Knob, Friday afternoon & all that, he would have only got funny & pulled me over for aggressive driving & ■■■■■■ my night up !
You flashed a traffic cop? Who’s the bad man…
It sounds to me like FarnboroughBoy’s caught the dreaded driver’s ailment known as bull[zb]itis.
Take two paracetamol, ten pints of ale and a full English breakfast. Call me in the morning if the symptoms persist.
I did that once, albeit unwittingly. He was unmarked. Empty M4 near Delamere, he dawdled past, pulled in at a decent distance and then backed off. I pulled out to pass and he sped up again a little. Grrr…
So I pulled back in and he started dropping back again so I gave him some full beams. He stared long and hard into his mirrors and I gestured to him to 'kin hurry up!
He then lit up his strobes and booted it. Dunno if he had a call or not but he disappeared.
The old heart rate rose a little for a second or two!
I must admit if your tacho is cleaner than a nun’s habit & the wagon is tip top then you can get away with showing your annoyance at his driving if you’re not in a hurry so can wait the tug out.
I must admit if your tacho is cleaner than a nun’s habit & the wagon is tip top then you can get away with showing your annoyance at his driving if you’re not in a hurry so can wait the tug out.
I wouldn’t do it though!
I wouldn’t ever lay on the horn as that’s somewhat aggressive, but I think lighting my lights up just to say come on mate you are ■■■■■■■ about now, I’m here, is perfectly acceptable and I would have happily engaged in a conversation should he have pulled me. But I think he realised what he was doing and fair play, he shot off. If it was one of those “I am a copper, I’m always right, I don’t make mistakes” type policeman then he probably would have pulled me.
I was in uk msa and the truck parking was full and about a dozen drivers were chatting by their motors then a police Jaguar pulls in and all the drivers walked off like their were hidding.
Martinviking you would not call him a knob to his face so dont do it on a keyboard if you crashed your truck he may be the first on the scene to pull you out the cab which may be on fire would you call him a knob then.