RTD(Working Time) 6 Hour

Hi all just to let you know you need 30 minutes break after 6 hours if you work between 6-9 hours, how you take that break is up to you or your company policy

there’s an option to split it up into 15 minutes periods but not a requirement

There’s a lot of drivers that mite not drive 4.5 hours in a shift and is saying there only need to take 15 minutes on or before 6 hours is IMO wrong, you can do it but you sill have to get another 15 minutes in before the end of your shift.

so the break for 6 -9 hours work is 30 minutes

Example of the 6 hour rules

These examples are drive and work and no POA was or is use in there meaning, a shift of 12 or or 6-9 hours means work or driving (excluding breaks) for which is in the examples

Driver A

You work 5 hours 59 minutes in you day, and that that your driving is no more than 4.5 hours no breaks require for RTD(working time) and 561/2007 Drivers hours regulations

Total Break 0

Driver B

You work between 6 hours and 9 hours your require to take a 30 minutes RTD(working time) break, this break must start no later that the 6th hour (or before),you can split into two 15 minutes periods, (subject to your company policy).if you take this option you must remember to have the other 15 minutes before your shift ends. if you do not exceed you driving hours of 4.5 hour in that shift than that is the only break you will need to cover both regulations.

Total Break 30 minutes

Driver C

You work for 6 to 9 hours and at hour 5.5 you have driven for 4.5 hours you will need a 45 minute tachograph break and therefor you have completed all your break requirements for both regulations.

Driver D

You do a shift of 12 hours and only drive for 4 hours in that shift the rest is work (except breaks) the amount of break for that shift is 45 minutes minimum, which can be done in three periods of 15 minutes the first been at 6 hours (or before if you wont) the next can be done in 15 minutes periods till just before you shift ends, or you can if you so wish take 30 minutes ( before your shift ends)you have completed all your break requirements for both regulations

Total Break 45 minutes

Driver E

You do a shift of 12 hours and you drive for 4.5 hours at say hour 5 and have a 45 minute tacho break and then continue to drive for say 2 hours and work till hour 12 you will need to have a break to cover the 6 hour rule of 15 minutes at hour 11.44 (or before) put tacho back to work for 1 minute and then end shift. You have completed all your break requirements for both regulations

Total break 1 hour

I could put loads more, but you should get the over all picture

So the simplest way to do it is take i break when you want to and don’t cut it to fine take a 30 minute break if you so wish or follow your companies policy, at the end of the day you as a driver should know when you need or want a break

If any one would like to add to this feel free

Just a little note to state that it is the actual driving and other work times added together which count as working time not shift times

Any POA or break times do not count as working time

Just a little note to state that it is the actual driving and other work times added together which count as working time not shift times

Any POA or break times do not count as working time

put a bit in there Rog