Ronnie Pickering Immortalised in VIZ!

Bicycle Bellend the 2-wheeled vigilante. April issue (254) Page 25. Absolutely ■■■■■■■ classic! I defy you not to love it. Miss it at your peril. :laughing: :laughing:



You tee 'em up Beav, I’ll take a swing…


Careful pal. He might take a swing at you.

And kill you with one punch. And your head will come off. And then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I had heard he likes a Barenuckle. But I was also taught not to hit senior citizens.

Who is this Ronnie your all going on about

Dotty D:
Who is this Ronnie your all going on about

Youtube him…All will be revealed…

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