Romanian winter

Oh those days when I used to get sent up North in Romania to load textiles or furniture for Roy. Just what you want on your way home from Doha, four or five collections, add a week to the round trip, snow chains on for the best part of that " bonus week". it was great when you look back on it wasn’t it. No night heater, and when you wake up and look through your windscreen this is what you saw…
This is the road in the area between Roman and Pascani.

Or even this…

Snap rumo -25 did you have to remind me :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: GS overland and Harry :slight_smile:

Running on a petrol/diesel mix (very dangerous)unless you could buy some diesel off the rusky trucks
Lagging the fuel filters
No night heater,
Sleeping fully dressed under 6 inch of bedding with the next days tins of food to thaw them out then lifting the bedding frozen solid where you breathe and that with the engine running at 1000 revs because if you stopped it after 8 hours it would be imposible to get it started again,
Truck heaters frozen up scraping ice off the inside of the screen to see where you are going wrapped in a blanket.
Running on hard packed ice and snow up to a foot thick then if stuck putting the chains on without touching bare steel and sticking to it ouch :open_mouth:
And many other delights running in these conditions that can kill.
Can you tidy that pic up Harry ,it looks like im following one of Charlie Priors fridges bound for Kuwait

Later after pulling out of a town the temp drops 10 degrees and above someone is frozen so ring the tm and wait for the rescue :slight_smile:

From one extreme to the other. After all this on the way down, the truck and driver must endure the blistering heat south of Damascus…

I used to travel up to Sighetu on the Russian border to load furniture.