ROI- Smoking In The Cab

They will never be able to enforce a non smoking in the cab rule for a start how are they going to enforce it as i wouldnt imagine the police will be looking for the extra work and as far as i know there hasnt been a gatso smoke detector invented yet


I want to agree with you, but some over zealous police person will make a case out of this Im afraid. It will either come under driving without due care or driving a vehicle not under proper control etc.

If you throw cig ends out of the window, it will be littering. but if you do, make sure there isnt a motorbike at the side of you please :cry:

It is like using mobiles, many will turn a blind eye. What about the bloke caught eating a kitkat, there are no laws prohibiting kitkats.


I hate the truck stinking like a urinal too :confused:

Firstly Im not a smoker

This as with any petty ban is unenforsable, as it shows with holding mobiles whilst driving. There is no way to stop it, the cops may catch thousands of drivers doing it, but it just keeps happening. and so will smoking, eating & drinking in the cab.

Dont know about anyone else, but all I want when I get in the cab is for it to be clean - no ash & ■■■ ends, papers, sweet rappers. Also as much as possible no smell, especially those ■■■■ air freshners which just mask the smell of one thing with another.

Havent these politicians got better things to do, they are there to make life easier, not to continuenly get on our backs stopping us from doing things just because they, or even worse europe thinks its wrong.

Why dont they target the shops that sell ■■■■ & booze to underage drinkers?

Why dont the cops catch the dangerous drivers, the burglars?

Is it because we are easy targets?

the worlds gone mad… you`ll have to wear a crash helmet soon to go outside… and i dont smoke! the nanny state rearing its head again :unamused:

Was doing night runs for a pie firm that had a smoking ban, which I was told applied to the cab. Couldn’t stop laughing :slight_smile:

Would the reason for a driver not smoking in his cab be because he might get ill from passive smoking■■?..

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: .

we already have a lot of areas where we are not allowed to smoke…buses…trains…aircraft…then we have delivery areas where one is not allowed to smoke on site…you are not allowed to smoke in the cab if carrying hazardous goods…so maybe it wont be long before a total ban will be in force here…maybe president blair is thinking of the cost to the national health service in treating smoking related illnesses…rather than the health of the individuals who do not smoke…i am a smoker who wants to give up and have been trying…i dont like smoking when im a ban would suit me and others like me..but i dont have a problem with people who want to smoke..i once asked a girlfriend if she smoked after ■■■■■■■■■■■..she said shed never noticed. :laughing:

have a nice day

pmsl bob… you big stud… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

…i am a smoker who wants to give up and have been trying…i dont like smoking when i`m eating…so a ban would suit me and others like me…
have a nice day

Got to agree with you there m8 i want to stop and if i cant have a ■■■ then it will make me stop so not that bad an idea, but do you think road rage will escalate when suddenly there are a hell of a lot of truck drivers forced to stop smoking!!!.


…i am a smoker who wants to give up and have been trying…i dont like smoking when i`m eating…so a ban would suit me and others like me…
have a nice day

Got to agree with you there m8 i want to stop and if i cant have a ■■■ then it will make me stop .

As i have said elsewhere, I packed up earlier this year and although I have no objection whatsoever to other people smoking, I am personally very pleased to have quit, so I would say “good luck” to anyone else trying to stop. It got to the point where I was having to have a ■■■ in the night if I woke up for a wee which I thought was pathetic. My throat was always sore and I was coughing a lot.

Also, even at Belgian prices, we were paying out £200 a month between us which is a lot of money. Plus, the kids were coming home from school giving it the old “Daddy, Daddy, smoking will make you poorly”. Perhaps more than anything, this is why i packed it up.

I found a lot of help on the internet, and I found that it helped enormously to know what ill-effects I was going to suffer, and how long they would last. You can expect headaches, shivers, flatulence, an even more sore throat, and severe cravings among other things.

But the good news is that the worst of it is over by about the fifth day, and after a fortnight I was almost completely over it (It’s been about five months now)

Like I keep saying, if other people smoke then that’s fine, it’s not my business and I’m not going to “hector” or moralise. But if you do decide to quit, then good luck, you won’t regret it for a moment, and you know that you can do it, as millions of other people have.


If this ever comes into force then i want to see a ban on being a smelly ogre and then leaving the cab minging for the next driver. I do smoke and i smoke whilst driving, at the end of the day i clean up after myself and always leave the cab in a better state than i found it in some places. If this ban did come into force i really cannot see anyone making it work without strict enforcement! The police can’t enforce didly squat look at the mobile phone thing! Seriously considering jumping ship on this country with the stupid rules and regulations there coming out with, whatever happened to freedom!