Robert Dunlop 1960 - 2008

RIP :frowning:

Robert Dunlop, brother of Joey was killed at the Northwest 200 on Thursday.

This is such sad news after Joey lost his life in Estonia in 2000 doing what the whole Dunlop family did best.

Joey’s funeral brought together both sides of the Irish community as they forgot their religious differences for the day. Martin McGuiness and Ian Paisley both said they were deeply saddened by Robert’s death.

However a little sunshine as Michael Dunlop the son of Robert yesterday won the 250 race at the triangle and dedicated it to his Father. William had to pull out of the race with mechanical problems.

He leaves a wife Louise and three sons, William, Michael and Daniel who is a serving soldier in Afghanistan.

This tragedy comes so close to the death of Martin Finnegan who was killed during the Tandragee 100 races in Northern Ireland 2 weeks ago

A very sad loss indeed. He died doing what he did best and what he loved.
However i would like to think he will be looking down and smiling as he dosn’t need to attend court for drink driving anylonger.


Sad news indeed. My family and I were at the NW200 last year and saw Robert ‘out-&-about’ around the pits and other parts of the course.

I remember seeing how bad his crash in Isle of Man was (1994 I think) when his back wheel failed; that he came back to racing was a fine example of the determined character of the man.

He is a real loss to the sport. RIP Robert Dunlop.