Roadways Container Logistics, Manchester


Can anybody tell me what these people are like to work for?

Very much obliged.


You’re welcome :grimacing:

You’ve been no help whatsoever! :unamused:

You’ve been no help whatsoever! :unamused:

Chill mate, Wayne is just having a laugh, he’s from the Manchester area so m sure he will have some knowledge to share with you in a bit.

I realise he was acting the goat and responded in a likewise manner…I thought!

Yeah mate, I was just messing wid ya :grimacing:

Ok, history, I worked there around 2009 (I think - ish…) and it was £7.50 per hour for all hours mon - fri, £10 per hour on a saturday.

It was a 0 hour contract, so you weren’t guaranteed any hours and if you did 3 hrs work, you got 3hrs pay.

Holidays worked on a ‘pot’ scheme where every hour you worked mon - fri put some money in the pot for you.

You could take how much out of the pot when you’re on holiday you like.

Holidays (did) run Jan - Dec, meaning you had no holidays in Jan when it’s quiet.

You got your own truck, mostly home every night, but they expect you to put some kit in incase you’re stuck out - unless you share your unit with a night man.

I know it pays more now, but can’t tell you the rates and every other bit of info may be out of date and as useless as my 1st comment :grimacing:

Ha ha :smiley:

Once again, I’m very much obliged(except I mean it this time!)