Our transport industry in many cases simply reflects what has happened to the rest of Britsh industry.
Ignored and penalised in favour of the finance industry (and look where that got us), forced to accomodate more and more ludicrous legislation, which increased costs continually until no longer able to compete, poorly managed leading to shutdown unable to compete with foreign competition often playing on a different field with no costs comparison.
Unions bear a great responsibility here, as much as management, the two needed to work together to make realistic decisions about working practices production etc, instead of which we lost everything, aided and abetted by governments who wanted complete integration with the EU and global trade which meant competing with the likes of China and Eastern Europe on a grossly uphill playing field…although the electorate voted in those who sold our country every time so people must have wanted this self destruction.
There’s nothing in the main wrong with British workers, other than the increasing welfare state and the fashion for further education, whether applicable to the student or not, has tended to give young people unrealistic expectations of their role in life (celebrity culture here bears a huge blame)…we often complain about feckless youths causing trouble aimless drugged and generally bloody useless…well even 30 years ago those same youths would have had to be up at 5am to be on time for their long apprenticeships for decent full time jobs, losing those jobs meant having no money and no prospects other than crap manual jobs, so they had something to live for and a useful future to work for other than drugs little ■■■■■■■ gangs and the latest bloody phone app.
I haven’t touched on the elephant in the room, the biggest self destruct movement that has changed this country forever and there is no going back from.
Deliberate and planned uncontrolled unlimited immigration especially following the election of the Blair government (and continued by the cloned coalition con), who with his cabal of traitors deliberately set out to change this country by importing millions of people who owe little if any allegiance to us and wish to turn this country into the countries they came from, well except for the welfare state NHS and all the benefit goodies which the dumps they came from didn’t have and in many cases they haven’t contributed one penny to those benefits they receive here, what did anyone with an ounce of sense think would happen with such an unprecedented influx of peope onto a relatively small island.
Millions of these immigrants if they work at all are in minimum wage jobs, what the hell benefit would they be to a nation in mostly subsidised jobs which most mimimum wage jobs are, millions of extra mouths to feed and service including their children to educate.
What were our electorate on when they continually voted turkey like for their very own Christmas, our dying industries and well paid workers taxed ever higher to pay for this immigration experiment till industry went bust, sold out and the tax paying workers often forced into lower paid jobs, themselves often becoming subsidised with ‘family credits’ or other tax breaks, the whole thing is a sham, a house of cards, and its all coming down.
Transport has been affected just the same, open borders leading to relatively uncontrolled movements for foreign transport again playing on a sloped field.
Increased legislation and environmental concerns (big booming industry for the right non job seekers the environment) causing ever increasing costs, dying industries that didn’t make anything so needed no transport of their manufactured goods.
Transport increasingly simply ferrying containerised imported Chinese tat to the myriad of massive warehouses dotted all over the country where that Chinese tat is unloaded and racked by east europeans, then reloaded onto huge trailers by more east europeans and then delivered to retail shops, or increasingly bought over the net and ferried via parcel companies, more east europeans, to the customer direct.
Look at the general road transport out there, its all bloody imports service industries.
Foreign lorries by the thousand bringing in their products ranging from food to tyres to glass.
Containers ferrying Chinese tat.
The white goods and general tat retail distribution centres like Argos Knowhow etc ferrying Chinese and other foreign made rubbish to their retail sites.
General haulage servicing the food distribution chain…this probably makes up 40% of the transport industry.
Supermarket lorries taking food plus Chinese tat and Indian sweat shop made clothes to their massive stores.
Car transporters carrying mainly imported cars, but also thankfully carrying some made here by exclusively foreign owned companies for export (well made by real British workers)…though worryingly some of those remaining factories are on prime land perfect for midlands airport expansion and B’ham housing, we’ll see where that goes.
Other service industries, from drain clearing to double glazing manufacturers.
Where’s the skill in any of the above, how rarely do we see lorries carrying goods made here requiring specialist traditional haulage skills, the whole industry dumbed ever further down.
We don’t even make our own lorries any more, how sad is that, we lease the standardised foreign made stuff run it for 5 years and replace it.
The roads as mentioned are in a state because the transport industry is servicing an increasingly overpopulated island on an inadequate road network.
Maybe this rant isn’t what the OP had in mind, but its what i see has happened to our country and the transport industry is just one of the many victims.
Remember you the electorate voted for what has happened, you believed liars spivs and traitors who gave away and sold your country from beneath your feet, whilst feathering their own nests nicely thankyou, kerching.
Think over what has happened when you next vote, if you vote for more of the same then more of the same will be the result.