Hello there
Have a lorry must go on the road for Monday morning. It is currently rated to 60t but 44t is enough for us. If I tax it to 60t (to keep everything legal for the road) for 6months at the post office and send all info and chassis plate to Swansea to get it down rated to 44t will I get a refund from the dvla for the difference.
if you do,then itl only be for complete months remaining…do what others do and tax it plg…itl show up taxed on the computer,and even easier now as theres no disks anymore.once again thankyou dvla…not that anyone should condone such naughtyness
I certainly wouldn’t recommend taxing it as PLG. If you get pulled into a checkpoint they can see your taxation class on their computer system and the fine is £5000.
Tax it at 60 tons, go through the downplating process, then send the new paperwork off to the DVLA and they will refund you the difference for any complete months remaining. If you are only taxing for 6 months, the fee includes a 10% admin charge which will not be refunded.
if you do,then itl only be for complete months remaining…do what others do and tax it plg…itl show up taxed on the computer,and even easier now as theres no disks anymore.once again thankyou dvla…not that anyone should condone such naughtyness
If you tax it for the wrong class, that’s Fraud & they don’t like us Peasants committing Fraud
(it’s ok for MP’s but not the general population)
And make sure you dont accidently tax it for combined transport as thats only £600 a year