road quiz

ok heres one for you where does the E15 start and finish :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I assume that is over the water as I’ve never seen an E15 road in the UK :question:

you will be surprised rog when someone gets the answer right :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

is it calais to algeciras

part of it is right didster :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

1196 miles.

E-15 runs from Inverness to Algeciras

The E-30 is a much longer route about 3600miles!

Cork to Omsk !!

According to my 25 year old Euro Road Atlas, it Starts at Calais, ends up at Los Pastores, just South of Algeciras ( I don,t do satnav.might end up in the Med.) Phil,s is near enough.

If it does now start at Inverness, I need a new map. Just for Motorhome purposes :wink: :wink:

well done toowise :smiley: :smiley:

It surprised me when i read it on the french website you learn something new everyday. :smiley: :smiley:

I assume that is over the water as I’ve never seen an E15 road in the UK :question:

Just because you’ve never seen it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. There are quite a few E roads in the UK, they just aren’t marked as such… yet.

When I go to work tonight I’ll be using the E13, E24, E5 and E18 to get from London to Belfast. :stuck_out_tongue: Sadly as far as the E18 goes, and as much as I enjoy the bit through Dumfries and Galloway which is one of my favourite roads, I think I would rather be doing the other end of it in St Petersburg. :cry:

The E13, E24 and E32 only exists within the UK, although as they aren’t signed as such maybe they don’t exists at all. :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue: A bit like the falling tree in the forest thing if the road isn’t signposted can you drive on it? :wink:

Neil. Could you post up a link to that French site. I,d like to see the Frog re-numbering of the UK road system. I,d like to see what the old A6 has now become, as I live alongside it. :astonished: :astonished:

Thanks in advance.

Neil. Could you post up a link to that French site. I,d like to see the Frog re-numbering of the UK road system. I,d like to see what the old A6 has now become, as I live alongside it. :astonished: :astonished:

It’s not a French thing, it’s a UN thing and also isn’t new as it has been around since the mid seventies. The A6 isn’t part of the E road network as far as I know.

Thanks for that Neil. What Coffee said was news to me. I,ve driven all over this Green and Pleasant land, and Euroland,and never knew that our road numbers had been Froggified since the 70,s. Now I know why I don,t see any Nobby Duckstrangler waggons passing me front winder; The A6 is History.You live and learn. :grimacing:

ps. I,ve just had a look at that site, it,s a cracker. You,ve had it with yer “how far” quizzes now Neil. BTW what about E40 Calais----Ridder 8500km (5313 miles). Toowise must have got some ■■■ ash in his eyes and missed that one :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Some UK road atlases have the E no’s marked in them.

Dont forget, too many E numbers are bad for your health :neutral_face:

i seem to remember Ridder was named after a Brit

looks a very good site, very informative.