Road Pricing

According to todays Telegraph the kit fitted in each vehicle may cost up to £600 a time :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

What planet do politicians live on?

Sign the petition today, it finishes tomorrow:

Even if you don’t believe in it it has to be worth seeing the ministers squirm about “democracy”


£600 so they can then charge me even more money :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
A good dunking in good couple of feet of water should kill it , or even wire cutters .Are they hopeing that everyones vehicles have ECU’s ?
It’s the only way to make them tamperproof .

There was something on the news last night, based on the M6 toll. Someone who drove 10,000 miles a year would pay £4,500 extra a year :open_mouth: I can only see it another tax, more cash for the govenment to spend on anything but the roads. and not a solution to unclogging the roads. I know the British are very lame, good at complaining to each other in bars, but nothing else. I would hope that this sort of thing does cause a little more than the normal roll over and die approach of the British public. Maybe we should ask all the Poles here how they got rid of the communists, even with Russian tanks on the border they did it with little bloodshed, maybe we could learn a thing or two. I feel better for that now :exclamation:

The government(S) never listen .Look at how many protests there has been in london .Thousands upon thousands of people , all get ignored .

What you say is right Paul, but Poland toppled a greater foe. A bit simplistic and gungho perhaps, but just a thought. As the main parties are very close in the way they think I would have though it time for a more radical party to get something done. Britian will never come close to the right way of doing things, like Denmark or Norway run their business, well I guess Britian is behind most countries on just about everything, but look around you, you pay tax upon tax and as much as I can see there is a bad NHS, poor schooling, infrastructure falling apart bah bah bah. People don’t respect each other, lots of crime. 100 hundred other things. Tony kicks English people everyday, doesn’t bother him, maybe its time he was kicked and very hard.

You are right and i will be right there with anyone else who wants to kick back hard . The sad fact is though they will find a way to make you an outlaw and then say you are disrupting services and blocking emergency crews and then threaten to revoke your operators …Ooops wrong protest :wink:

Yeah they do seem to have covered themselves well for trouble with various laws againt protest. If only they were as good as running the country as clapping down on trouble. Have you ever wondered how they can clamp straight down on normal everyday honest working man and woman, but are not able to sort the real villians out. It should be a law that at the end of a term in office, you are made to account for the ■■■■ ups caused.

Let them do it , let them ruin the country . Unemployment will rise , more people forced onto the poverty line .

I’ll be disconnecting mine . Just make sure you don’t have a vehicle with an ECU and then the electrickery will be really simple to get around .

they cant keep on top of the amount of cars going around with no tax mot or insurance now with the “dvla super computer”.

they had the anpr scameras out on the m6 today to stop the tax dogers. old bill stopped a car infront of me , 10 minutes later it come back passed me so it obvioulsy aint upto date :unamused:

i have the feeling this will be the nail in labours coffin
