RIP to another driver

Poor sod. Went out to work, and won’t be going home. There’s never a good time to lose a family member , but it must be worse lose someone just before Xmas. deepesr sympathy■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


RIP Driver…

Ever notice that most of this type of thing happens on the long unlit stretches of motorway at night??

Sincerest thoughts to his/her family.

I passed this at 07-30 this morning. Artic on its side across the hard shoulder and the embankment. According to the lass on the till at Southwaite svcs, another truck collided with the one on its side. Livestock transporter apparently.

there was a daf cf artic tipper jack kniffed behind the cattle truck n the one on its side aswell when i went passed

I would like to add my condolences. It seems to be happening all to regularly for my liking.

RIP to the driver and deepest sympathy to his family

RIP Driver…

Ever notice that most of this type of thing happens on the long unlit stretches of motorway at night??


This is so true is it not time the so called EU with all there powers introduced a law that can not be opted out of that limits the
hours night drivers can do … I Would suggest a 8 hr maximum shift that starts between 10pm- 4am

without sounding too callous…rip to all the poor animals too. After all, we are all god’s creatures

without sounding too callous…rip to all the poor animals too. After all, we are all god’s creatures

I understand what you mean about being gods creatures and all that, but the animals were most likely en route to the slaughter house anyway. So the perhaps met their maker an hour or so before planned. The driver however, different story.

RIP Driver.

without sounding too callous…rip to all the poor animals too. After all, we are all god’s creatures

Not if your an Atheist.


RIP Driver…

Ever notice that most of this type of thing happens on the long unlit stretches of motorway at night??


This is so true is it not time the so called EU with all there powers introduced a law that can not be opted out of that limits the
hours night drivers can do … I Would suggest a 8 hr maximum shift that starts between 10pm- 4am

Oh Brother, didn’t read anything there that suggested the drivers were tired.

RIP :frowning: Condolences to family and friends.