Ringing Ears

I bet it made quite a bang.



Allegedly, one of our learned Russian friends…

WTF■■? :open_mouth: How the hell did he explode it? Is it something to do with blowing the load out? I have no idea about tankers.

How the [zb] does that happen?

I can’t quite work out what has happened here. Obviously the trailer has become over-pressurised and exploded, but surely there are systems in place to prevent this happening?


Wonder if the driver has re-entered the atmosphere yet or is he bits of space debris floating out there.

Safety valve(s) maybe could have done with a clean out.

I use these tanks , and yes Harry , there should be pressure release valves ( at least 2 ) that go off when the pressure is above a certain limit . When these valves go off , they make a hell of a noise , and this is when you need too be shutting down and de-pressurising :confused: :confused:
This guy has either ignored them , not had them fitted and working correctly or , as happened to a polish guy at Kenneth Twyfords a few years back , he might have set up and then started blowing and got on the bunk and fell asleep :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Happens more, and not always driver error.
Harry you are correct to asume that there is a system preventing overpressure, but in case of an explosion is that not big enough, its realy to prevent the compressor overload the tank. (compressor does anything from 500m3 to 1200m3 per hour, a 2 inch release valve on 1-2 bar is enough.

However if the product reacts and expand by 9.000 to 20.000 time in matter of seconds, you need a bigger hole, so the tanker gives at his weakest point, mostimes the seems.

Product as hydrogene perioxide ( used in washing powder etc.) which comes in contact with water can cause a chemical reaction causing the tanker to explode.
This can happen as the airlines are not dry.
Seen tankers empty from potato peelings and not clean, went for a repair (welding) and the gas in the tank exploded.

Seen cases where they should have off loaded with nitrogen, but used air and the load (nylon) started to create static electricity causing the dust in the tank to ignite and explode.

Dust explosions are one of the most feared ones, and simple products as, sugar, cement and milkpowder can react as an explosive.

Its easy to blame the driver, but without the facts you can not make a decission.
Been several times invited in accident investigations and there is much more to it than the eye can see.

its more likely to have been a build up of static electricity which has built up due to tanker not being correctly earthed and boom. most powders are explosive including flour

Any chance we could go back to getting it in bags please. Eddie.



Don’t worry about it. Nobody heard. :smiley:

Its easy to blame the driver, but without the facts you can not make a decission.


Lots of possibilities as to the cause of this. :wink:

Just blame the Polish then.

How to (try to) turn a bulk powder tanker into a skele in no time. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :laughing:

My boss would send me to see if i could get that reloaded … :unamused:

Nuffin a bit of paint, putty and panel beating wont fix.

Least the tractor units alright…

Customs and Excise, they’ll stop at nothing.

I blame it on the guy in dungarees and a backwards baseball cap.

He isn’t even wearing a hi viz.