Right to reply

by Rikki-UK » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:58 pm

Wether your offended or not is immaterial, in law its can be used as a a racist term, I will not allow threads on here that use such terms in a manner that are intended to cause offence.

On the threads that were removed included comments like shoot them all, we should be allowed to beat them etc.

Only a few years ago that would have been acceptable against black people, the Irish and jews, its not acceptable against those people now and neither is it against the travelling community

If you dont like this… then dont use this website…
Full stop end of discussion…

this topic is locked and any other similar will be deleted… , if you dont like this decision then dont use these forums… goodbye.
One question Rikki, why are complete threads locked when only a few comments are deemed offensive?

Simple answer… we have 100’s of posts every day, we cannot monitor each one so rely on users to notify us of posts that cause offence, we do not also have the resources to babysit threads that have already caused issues and that may end up have legal implications.

In law our only defence is that once we became aware of an issue , we took action, and if we are aware that an issue may arise we took steps to stop it happening.

I have said many times in the past I think the current laws on this are crap… but until they are changed thats all we have to work with… Unless you want to push the point, in which case send me the money for the legal fees to take it to the house of lords (Paypal is acceptable) and once we have your funds we can argue the point.

Untul them we are stuck with the archiac laws we have to work under

by Rikki-UK » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:58 pm

Wether your offended or not is immaterial, in law its can be used as a a racist term, I will not allow threads on here that use such terms in a manner that are intended to cause offence.

On the threads that were removed included comments like shoot them all, we should be allowed to beat them etc.

Only a few years ago that would have been acceptable against black people, the Irish and jews, its not acceptable against those people now and neither is it against the travelling community

If you dont like this… then dont use this website…
Full stop end of discussion…

this topic is locked and any other similar will be deleted… , if you dont like this decision then dont use these forums… goodbye.
One question Rikki, why are complete threads locked when only a few comments are deemed offensive?


I’m not answering the question that you asked Rikki, but I’d just point out that some people (not you) seem to have got their terminology mixed-up, or simply paint everything with a 6" paintbrush out of ignorance.

The word “■■■■■” is a term used to describe the section of travellers who engage in criminal activities, such as thieving and conning people.

A traveller is a person who chooses a particular ‘travelling’ lifestyle, and that’s their choice to make.

It simply isn’t correct to call all travellers a “■■■■■,” so the word “■■■■■” as applied to all travellers (by the ignorant) is offensive.

:bulb: Imagine that you were an innocent traveller… if somebody then called you a “■■■■■,” you’d rightfully be offended.

innocent traveller

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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