Right To Die

just watched it on sky was very moved by it.

i was wondering how many of you would choose to go the same way.

I certainly would want the right to die.

never in a million years,
i’ll fight till the last breath and i’ll still go kicking then
life is too precious a thing to give away

I think you need to be very brave to end your own life.

I couldnt do it although if people want to do it then I dont have a problem with it I just dont want to watch it on TV!!!

I was at work and so missed the program, but if the quality of my life was so poor and I felt there was no hope of any improvement then I would like the right to die with dignity.

The right to live is a given, so shouldn’t the right to die peacefully humanely and with dignity also be a human right.

if i had an incureable disease and i was just gonna get worse and not able to look after myself then yes of course i would like the right to choose to die

and i dont have a problem with other people chooseing to do it, aslong as the reason is right

never in a million years,
i’ll fight till the last breath and i’ll still go kicking then
life is too precious a thing to give away

My X wont let me she gets more while I’m living :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

my biggest fear is getting early onset alziemers (spelling) and having to spend year after year, existing but not living. being a burden on those i love until the doctors run out of options for keeping me alive.
The wifes gran spent 10 years like that. And if it happens to me i hope there’ll be a more dignified way out.

I’ll try and get Mrs ROG to come and post on here as she is the Manager of a 40+ bedded Elderly persons residential home.

She will be able to give the views of the elderly who have dementia, lost their partner of 50+ years, have motornorone disease where they can understand but cannot communicate back etc.

To be honest its hard to look at impartially, I think you’ve got to be experiencing it up close and personal, to really understand. And I for one hope I never have too.

Layby Larry:
To be honest its hard to look at impartially, I think you’ve got to be experiencing it up close and personal, to really understand. And I for one hope I never have too.

Too True

My old man had a tumour on the brain 2000 it looked like a stroke but when all the tests came back we had the bad news. His best mate went through the big C of the throat he saw his best friend through all the chimo etc then had to go through it himself.
They operated and took a growth the size of a golf ball out my sisters had gone to my uncles fruneral with mum on the day he went down for his op which was brought forward 2 days due to changes in the list
Dr said I could sign the consent form if dad couldnt do it, Now this dont sound much but it felt like I was given the choice, dad could die on the table or die of the tumor, dad signed and within 10 mins was off to the table.
I’m glad to say the op went well but the growth was so aggresive it grew back twice as fast .
Sitting by his bed everyday for hours on end only going out to work and go home for a shower sometime falling asleep by his bed,
he got worse and in the end was just there I can remember saying to him
" It’s ok dad you dont have to fight if you dont want to we all love you and will never forget what you have done throughout the years" 2 days later he had gone.
God bless you dad you were the best

funny old world?

someone commits a hideous crime against another human being, and we all scream for the death penalty to be brought back. that criminal deserves to rot in a jail and die slowly.
a law abiding person who wants the right to end their life because of a serious illness…and we want to keep them alive.

didnt watch the program, was working.

iam not scared of dying. just dont want to die yet. but when im ready, should be allowed to.

When its my time I just wanna go no pain no warning
Bam gone
That’ll do me

I think when you know its comming that would be the worse thing I could imagine

We had a guy who was terminal they told him 6 months
he passsed on exactly 6 months later.
I will say the union did him proud sending him for rest bite etc

im not really sure but if anybody wants too well it needs looking at a bit more…

this year i had a severe nervous breakdown and really depressed and wanted to do myself in… but hell im glad i didnt my life has completley gone round a full circle and ive havent been happier in 4 years.

this really needs a deeper looking at.