Richard Long

Anybody got a good word to say about them? They always seem to be looking for drivers for UK and EEC work…

I phoned once for an interview and was told you get £500 a week no matter what hours you do but they give you more nights out so you pay less tax so thet £500 is take home minus 5 nights out at £20 a night leaving £400 take home for quite alot of hours I would imagine.

I didnt go for the interview.

From what I’ve heard they have a zero tolerance policy on damage to loads, fair enough some of the kit they move costs a packet but I’ve a feeling it’s black and white. If it’s damaged, it’s your fault. End of story.

From what I have heard they want their pound of flesh and more and more and more.

Rarely heard much good about them, but spoke to one of their driver recently and he seem happy with the job. He reckoned the main problem was dealing with the transport office, but all his work came in via a sat link. However he was one of them that was happy to spend loads of time away including being away over christmas.
although He did say that only 1 in 3 drivers stay for more than a year. He been there for 3 years.

only last year they were advertising for drivers they were paying £80 aday