Richard long bv

totally agree with you as Richard is abrupt on the phone

you dont actualy work for richard long,he runs an agency that is who you work for…Fine if you like that…the kit may look good,always clean but it aint all that new…and yes i done a couple of days there,more than enough…

As JCB, have asked for 500 redundancies this week because of the downturn in building and construction. I doubt that anyone working in this field is running around with whoops of joy.

I am shipping out tomorrow with 2 machines for Eastern France, could be the last for a while as the building societies are not building much :wink:

i always thought these had nice looking kit but reading through the reports on here as the saying goes nice kit crap job

The Toplines need the side fairings on the cabs, don’t you think they look horrible without them, I’ve nothing constructive (pardon the pun of sorts) to add but I think somebody should tell him that his lorries look unfinished :unamused:

The toplines do have side fairings, but are not full size. Some of the older ones do not have the air kit at all.

OLT, bit confused here with what you say about the trucks “aint all that new”. How do you define when a truck is not new? As long as it is clean inside thats the main point as you are working/living in it, so if it is 10 years old and is cleaner than a year old truck inside then the older one would be my choice.

Regarding the agency bit, you are still working for Richard Long as it is his agency■■? You get paid so can’t understand what the problem is, and you left after a couple of days…do tell us why.

David H:
Ha ha ha! Tell me you’ve not worked for someone like that!

No, I havent, BUT, ive worked with quite a few drivers who fit this bill :laughing:

blah blah blah
arrive JCB at night have time off blah blah
getting loaded in morning can take a while blah blah put card when your ready to run as it helps us

hold on does it help me i think not
so your 15 becomes a 19
no way Jose

well if he reads this site like has been suggested why dosent he comment then.

neville from heritage came on here and defended his company after they got a good slagging off put his point across in a very good manner in the face of lots of critism and is now respected for it.

so my question is… where is richard long come on and speak up. :question: :question: :question:

I know a couple of people who went there and couldnt earn the money if they came home every week,even every 2 weeks so they left, there again ive met a few others who say its great, get home often enough, and the money is good if youre home regular or away a lot.
I would imagine the new starts are on a lower wage than the longer serving drivers. Totally unfair if they are doing the same kind of work, i know, cos ive had it happen to me on one of my first Euro jobs, i was around £100 a week down on the other drivers, even though i was going a lot further than them and away a lot longer.

Alex have you thought it may not be true that he reads the forum? Hence no reply from him.

Alex have you thought it may not be true that he reads the forum? Hence no reply from him.

my first line is…

jessicas dad Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:03 pm Post subject:

well if he reads this site like has been suggested why dosent he comment then.

i fully agree maybe he doesnt read the forums.

maybe someone should tip him off cos this thread has been up a couple of times before.

you must admit it would be a great thread if he did come on. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

like the thorburns one pee funny :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

like the thorburns one pee funny :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

that and clive cowern were all time classics. :smiling_imp: