Reversing on bays

montana man:

At NFT depending on the trailer you are told to lower the suspension.

But thats because the dock is old and rubbish.

Which as I was told, taught and therefore done.
When dropping a heavy trailer you should drop the air first. :wink:

just me then :blush:

I think its becuase the NFT trailers have an uber high bed and the dock is old so the leveller cannot level if the distance is too great. If you have an other trailer then you have to raise the suspension.

whats his name ady?

There aint no prizes for flying in first time!

Yes there is. It makes you look super cool and proficient.

Come on, who is willing to admit to the highly elated feeling of backing straight onto a tight bay, first attempt at a faster speed than you should be doing so knowing full well there is an audience of other drivers all looking at your reversing in the corner of their eye?

I hold my hand up. Although it did once go disasterously wrong, and the feelings were anything but elated. I wanted the ground to open up so I could crawl in and die. Lets just say I had no back doors left. You can add those particular doors to your bayside mudflap mountain along with a complete set of shattered light lenses thrown in for good measure! ! !

The best place that I go to and watch reversing is Asda Didcot , more so when the Yard and the bays are full .

Luckily I,ve never muffed it whilst being in there .
One day I will .

:laughing: :laughing:


There aint no prizes for flying in first time!

Yes there is. It makes you look super cool and proficient.

Come on, who is willing to admit to the highly elated feeling of backing straight onto a tight bay, first attempt at a faster speed than you should be doing so knowing full well there is an audience of other drivers all looking at your reversing in the corner of their eye?

Yep done that … Was in a right pig of a mood after some cockup over booking slot and ref numbers, eventually got given a bay by security so i flung it round looked in my mirror and was amazed that i was lined up almost spot on with just the right amount of kink all from my forward manouver, so into reverse toed it back … perfect onto the bay smack bang between the lines. Now ive cheered up considerably (little things please little minds) so i jump out the cab and walk towards goods in looking around at a group of drivers with a smile on my face…And notice some are laughing and then one shouts over “not gonna bother opening your doors then drive” to which they all burst out laughing, :open_mouth: :blush: :blush: :blush:

that was the longest ever walk back to my cab ever and was that the end of my humiliation … NO… whilst walking back to the cab i then tripped on a lip in the concrete which renewed the laughter from my kindred supportive fellow drivers… :angry: :imp: i hated my job that day :laughing:

youve made me feel better as ive done that twice this week , also had security ask me if i intended to shut my back doors before i left site :blush: said id left them open as i assumed they would do a security check :wink: :wink: .

I suppose he’s technically right…

…but in the real world no. But having said that i have ripped a mudguard off before on a loading bay guiderail so maybe the answer is there!

done the same myself… at cosco lutterworth :imp: :imp: :imp: when on for arla in leeds. so that was me in the bad books.

also i had a wheel arch ripped off by those guards that roll over the wheel like those at cosco but this time at ciba at low moor… bay 2. when i had done it i was informed that it happens quite a lot on bay 2.

do that on evrey bay chances are you ll take your lights out at some point then its well boss

youve made me feel better as ive done that twice this week , also had security ask me if i intended to shut my back doors before i left site :blush: said id left them open as i assumed they would do a security check :wink: :wink: .

That’s enough to earn you a bollocking in most places… most have signs saying you cannot drive round the system with doors open. Gawd, Ady, you post some crap!!!