Reversing into loading bay


This will seem a very stupid question, especially for those experienced drivers. My son is very interested in lorries and the other day he saw a lorry parking at a depot, he asked how the driver knew when to stop, did he use the rubber stops on the back.

Not being a lorry driver myself, I said he just used experience but he got me thinking and I wondered if they did use them or if there was any other way?

Apologies for such a silly question.


Your son is spot on :slight_smile:

Drivers reverse slowly and know pretty much when they are about to hit the bay - But the trucks have either rubber pads or sprung metal rollers which come into contact with the rubber bumpers on the bay

We stop when we hit the two together - Easy

Thank you very much indeed for your help.

That is great :slight_smile:

If in doubt, get out :wink: