Reversing a C + E

I saw this on youtube and thought of all the questions about the maneouvering exercises in here.


That’s one of a series by chillpete. Look him up in youtube, his series covers all of the exercises I think.

I saw this on youtube and thought of all the questions about the maneouvering exercises in here.


That’s one of a series by chillpete. Look him up in youtube, his series covers all of the exercises I think.

reversing a 10t’ish cargo & drag isn’t really going to teach you to reverse a real artic though :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

for the size of truck hes got way to much space there.hes about 10 foot off the centre pole and imm sure his back wheels would of gone over the white line at the start of the test :sunglasses:


That’s a plaything,it looks like a 7.5t truck with an 8ft trailer hitched to it.
Can you sit the c+e in that?
Sat my c+e in a wagon and drag,it was 18.3m total length and tractor/trailer were curtain sided.

gsm31, among others,:
That’s a plaything,it looks like a 7.5t truck with an 8ft trailer hitched to it.
Can you sit the c+e in that?
Sat my c+e in a wagon and drag,it was 18.3m total length and tractor/trailer were curtain sided.

Does it matter that much?
It’s a video of someone demonstrating the reverse maneouver with a trailer… Whatever type of articulating vehicle you are using, the principals of the maneouver are the same. :unamused: :unamused:

I didn’t realise it was a rubbish demonstration Jon.

Perhaps we can get Mothertrucker to do a good demo for us.


Does it matter that much?

Not really :wink: just heading off on a tangent

It’s a video of someone demonstrating the reverse maneouver with a trailer… Whatever type of articulating vehicle you are using, the principals of the maneouver are the same. :unamused: :unamused:

I didn’t realise it was a rubbish demonstration Jon.

do they use the same cone set-up for a minimum spec wag & drag as they do for a full size artic ?

Perhaps we can get Mothertrucker to do a good demo for us.

sounds a good idea :smiley:

Denis F:

It’s a video of someone demonstrating the reverse maneouver with a trailer… Whatever type of articulating vehicle you are using, the principals of the maneouver are the same. :unamused: :unamused:

I didn’t realise it was a rubbish demonstration Jon.

do they use the same cone set-up for a minimum spec wag & drag as they do for a full size artic ?

the size of the vehicle depends on what space you get between the cones.

si i was just taking the [zb] :smiley: it is a good demonstration :sunglasses:


si i was just taking the [zb] :smiley:

How could you

it is a good demonstration :sunglasses:


That’s a plaything,it looks like a 7.5t truck with an 8ft trailer hitched to it.
Can you sit the c+e in that?
Sat my c+e in a wagon and drag,it was 18.3m total length and tractor/trailer were curtain sided.

I reckon its an 8 metre truck with a 6 metre trailer. so that’s 46ft 9in in old money - or thereabouts.

I thought this was a pretty nift demo and very good for watching - although it does not actually help a newbie as there is no commentery and no view of whast the driver is doing with the wheel and when he is doing it and why ect.
As for space:-
The criteria for the test is one and a half times the width of the vehicle between the starting cones. So if you are lined up properly, tight up against the left hand cone, then you have roughtly four feet between the wheel and the yellow line. This set up looked bang on.
You then get twice the length of the vehicle from the front bumber to cone B. Loads of room, so the longer the vehicle the more easy the manouvre as you get more room to suit.

As for W&D versus Artic - the PRINCIPLE is the same. A trailer is a trailer and you have to get to grips with it one way or another. Once you have mastered the principle of the technique then you just adjust to the different vehicle.
Long trailer’ behave differently to short trailers as do tri axles from single axles. Artics with three axles on the furtherst rear are different fron single axle drag trailers but it matters not what you pass in. You will always get something different to drive afterwards so just get on with it - unless you want to spend a fortune on training on every different type of vehicle that you are likely to find on the road. You learn the basics of how trailers behave and that is what is important.

Perhaps we can get Mothertrucker to do a good demo for us.

sounds a good idea

Oh, all right then!! :unamused: If you insist!!

I take it that will be one in Wagon and Drag and one in Artic of course :laughing: [/u]

I take it that will be one in Wagon and Drag and one in Artic of course :laughing: [/u]

Oh, all right then!! :unamused: If you insist!! :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses:

Well a video of each would be nice. :sunglasses: Less excuse for all these people to whine!! :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:


Well a video of each would be nice. :sunglasses: Less excuse for all these people to whine!! :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m sure I could think of something :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

All Distances are the same for C+E Reverse

1, Line up as close as you can to the left hand cone (if you can see the top of the cone in the Kerb mirror dissappear anuder the L/H Mirror bracket your spot on.

2, Mirrors then start the reverse right hand down (1.5 turns should do it) Continue at this angle until you see the L/H trailer leg in the L/H Mirror.

3, You can see the leg now straighten(L/H down) the wheels of the unit feel free to look out the window to make sure they are straight(you will be checking the test line anyway so no problems). Now continue like this until the leg reappears in the L/H Mirror.

4, You see the leg now 1 full turn L/H down continue until unit is straight with the trailer a slight R/H kink on the trailer will help your approach to the bay at this point) you will now see the middle marker cone in you R/H mirror if you have cleared it now ignore it.

5, You can now see the full bay in your R/H Mirror now using small on off corrections(give the trailer time to respond) aim to come a foot or less inside the right hand Front bay cone. Remember keep it small start to over steer here and it will go pear shaped.

6, If you have followed 5 properly your rear R/H trailer wheel will now be a foot or less inside of the R/H cone. Now L/H down say half a turn then wait for the trailer to start to move around then take it off again you are aiming to get the trailer straight with the r/H line of cones 2ft a safe distance.

7, Your now straight so now a quick R/H down and straighten the unit with the trailer then quickly off again(don’t over steer)(you can now see the L/H Cones in the L/H Mirror) if alls well continue your reverse to park. If not or if indoubt nows the time to perform a shunt forward (make sure you shunt the unit and trailer straight and can see L/H and R/H baysides in the respective mirrors. Reverse back with again small on-off manouvers to keep in the middle of the bay( 1 minor down but better than a fail if unsure use it)

Finally Remember your parking brake then Nuetral, all through the excercise keep the reverse smooth at a constant speed MIRRORS MIRRORS MIRRORS and get the foot of the clutch your not Aunty Doris in Tesco’s car park your aiming to be a professional driver.

DON’T PANNICK MR MANNERING!!! :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

click on the link for an actual video of an Artic reverse on Test……he actually failed his test by leaving it a foot short of the box…the examiner did not tell him he got back with 4 minors…to say he was [zb] off was an understatement.

This along with other helpfull videos & photos can be found in my original post, which is well worth looking through for any Newbie … sc&start=0

Spot on explanation N2N

you will now see the middle marker cone in you R/H mirror if you have cleared it now ignore it.

Make sure you dont ignore it til the unit has cleared it too. It can happen that the unit can castch the cone if you are a little close so beware.