Returning driver advice please

I have had a class 1 licence for about 12 years but I have not driven for about 10 !!! My circumstances have changed and I am looking to get back into driving. I have been looking for jobs and all I keep seeing is "digi tacho card required!. What the hell is it and how do I get one. Also how do you renew your licence at 45?
Thanks Phil

At the age of 45 you will have to take a medical to renew your licence.
Then have more medicals every five years.
If you have not driven for ten years it is strongly advisable that you go for a short refresher course on artics to get you back into the swing of handling them.
Better with an instructor by your side after a 10 year ‘rest period’ than just jump into the cab and hope for the best.
You can apply for your digi tacho via the DVLA

Digi tacho card is basically a tacho card that replaces analogue tacho cards in the newer (about 06-07 onwards) vehicles. Looks like a cross between credit card (with a chip) and a photo driving licence.

Not that long ago i was in a similar situation and can highly recommend a refresher. In my case I spoke to a local training company. They’d never been asked for a refresher before so asked me how much training I thought I’d need. I guessed at a day (which we actually split into two evenings as they were booked solid for two months). The first evening was a shock but by the second evening it had all come back into place. I think it cost me £110 and I’d have been in trouble on my first day back without it!

thanks for the advice.
Is it compulsory now to have a digi tacho card or is it still possible to find any work?


thanks for the advice.
Is it compulsory now to have a digi tacho card or is it still possible to find any work?


Not compulory but very advisable if you will be looking for agency work


thanks for the advice.
Is it compulsory now to have a digi tacho card or is it still possible to find any work?


Not compulory but very advisable if you will be looking for agency work

My agency insist on it, due to many of their customers insisting on it. My card is coming up to it’s first birthday and still hasn’t been used but without it I’d be unable to go to certain sites.

Is there a link to get a digi tacho card (for future ref.) and how much does it cost ■■? Thanks

0870 8501074 for application pack.

£38 for inital card. £19 for replacement every 5 years … rtcard.htm