Monday I started at 6am, finshed at 7:15pm.
I asked as usual for the start time for today (tues) was told 5am, meaning Id have had to reduce daily rest hours to start at 5am, But I wasn
t happy especially since I`d worked 13 1/4hrs, I know I can legally do it, but I told the manager, “come on play fare I worked 13+hrs gimmi a 6am start so I can get some kip” BUT the manager was insitant that I start at 5am, but I insisted on 11hrs rest, in the end they said 5am, I turned up at 6am this morning and put my card in at 6:15am
What I want to know is can I be compelled to reduce my rest hours, or can I insist on 11hrs rest? or would that be down to local agreement[/b]
as long as he ain’t forcing you to break the law and as long as you have the hours to reduce it to 9hrs and be able to pay it back then i think he can insist that you do what they/he is asking you to the end of the day he ain’t asking you to break any rules is he m8.and i suppose he had a good reason why he wanted you to start at 5am maybe a delivery
Monday I started at 6am, finshed at 7:15pm.
I asked as usual for the start time for today (tues) was told 5am, meaning Id have had to reduce daily rest hours to start at 5am, But I wasn
t happy especially since I`d worked 13 1/4hrs, I know I can legally do it, but I told the manager, “come on play fare I worked 13+hrs gimmi a 6am start so I can get some kip” BUT the manager was insitant that I start at 5am, but I insisted on 11hrs rest, in the end they said 5am, I turned up at 6am this morning and put my card in at 6:15am
What I want to know is can I be compelled to reduce my rest hours, or can I insist on 11hrs rest? or would that be down to local agreement[/b]
I’m under the impression that you cannot be compelled to reduce your hours, it has to be your choice and you’re entitled to 11 hours.
Yes, it was for a delivery x 4
there is enough flexibility in the job with the manpower thats available to be able to swop runs around.
I guess next time I and the managers will have to come to some better agreement.
Fanx for the feedback
I’m under the impression that you cannot be compelled to reduce your hours, it has to be your choice and you’re entitled to 11 hours.
maybe so but if you have a boss who knows the rule’s and reg’s then i’m sure he’ll insist that you run to them rules.( if required).but i’m sure if he did not require you in at 5am then he wouldn’t have asked you.and if the rest of the driver’s are getting their fare share of these early start’s then surely you have no probs when it come’s to your turn.
When I was tramping we sometimes had a night back in the yard during the week. I had an arangement with the planner that reduced rest was only for when I was ‘away’. If I was brought back to the yard that would mean 35mins (car) drive each way to get to my bed (home) let alone having to talk to her and get fed etc. Less than 7-8 hrs sleep for me is a no-no if I want to be ‘safe’ the next day so my reduced rests were only used while I was kipping in the truck:- quick scoff and fall asleep with the TV on!!
Oh, and if the planner tried the “it’s your turn” speech, funny thing - I always managed to ‘sleep in’ the next day!!
You cannot be forced to reduce any rest period, the same as no employer can tell you to carry on if you say you need rest you are tired, they may make the normal threataning noises but a quick word with VOSA about this will bring the operator visits from hell.
I Know from first hand experience that the Employer CANNOT under any circumstances force a driver to reduce his / her rest period.
I recieved a call one afternoon whilst in Harlow from a TDG Assistant Transport Manager insisting I be back at Newton Aycliffe for 7am
I still had 2 deliveries to do which would take me to 5pm the journey back was something like 5 1\2 hrs and I needed my rest, I was told to start heading back and take a 9hr reduction to which I refused, I was advised that if I did not get back for 7 am, things could be pretty bad as the company I was contracted to may ask for me to be taken off the contract
My Reply simply went something like, Well you’ll have to find another contract to put me on then as I wont be back for 7am
Sarcastically he replied You Will !!!
Anyway, when I arrived back at 9.30am he was not a happy bunny and was full of threats about my employment with TDG, I simply took out my mobile phone and called Graham Bird the URTU Regional Rep, the assistant TM’s face was a picture when I stood in front of him telling Graham the story
A Meeting was held with top brass where it was pointed out that the Drivers legislation actually states “A Driver May Reduce his daily rest period to 9 hrs on no more than 3 occassions”
There is absolutely nothing in the legislation which permits an employer to reduce the drivers rest period without his / her consent