Reported a jumper

A habit of mine is looking up at every bridge I go under so as I was trundling south on the M5 between J22 and j23 at about 05.00 this morning I glanced up at a bridge I was about to pass under and spotted a person perched the wrong side of the railings so pulled over a few hundred yards up the hard shoulder and called it in, a sad incident considering the time of year that someone’s head must be in such a state to contemplate such a thing.

I hope it turned out ok in the end .

Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


There was nothing about delays on the M5 down that way on the traffic reports, only about the heavy fog, which surprisingly didn’t cause to much hassle today. I presume that the situation was resolved swiftly.

Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


You’re quite a charmer aren’t you?


Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


You’re quite a charmer aren’t you?

There was me thinking what a [zb] :laughing:

I reported a jumper I received on Christmas Day to the fashion police. Bloody disgusting fair trade monstrosity it was too.


Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


You’re quite a charmer aren’t you?

He may not have Sheakspeares flair of prose, but I do agree with the sentiment. If you want to end it, do it without inconveniencing or traumatising (train drivers…) others.

the nodding donkey:


Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


You’re quite a charmer aren’t you?

He may not have Sheakspeares flair of prose, but I do agree with the sentiment. If you want to end it, do it without inconveniencing or traumatising (train drivers…) others.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not all hearts and flowers but it’s not easy killing yourself without inconveniencing someone else. Someone has to find you and it’s going to be messy probably.

B*llocks to this ‘care in the community’ way of saving money

(Don’t mind me - had a lifetime of falling off horses and landing on my head!)

Just trying to get my own head around the idea that someone whose head is so totally ■■■■■■ that they are even contemplating suicide should somehow be expected to be “considerate” to others.

Just trying to get my own head around the idea that someone whose head is so totally [zb] that they are even contemplating suicide should somehow be expected to be “considerate” to others.

My thoughts exactly, it beggars belief there are so many heartless people about. When it comes to it would they egg them on or try and help, I’d suggest they’d grow a pair and try to help the poor sod.

the nodding donkey:
There was nothing about delays on the M5 down that way on the traffic reports, only about the heavy fog, which surprisingly didn’t cause to much hassle today. I presume that the situation was resolved swiftly.

Yeah it seemed to end without incident but still an eerie sight to see in the dark and fog . … _1_4832918

Don’t think it ended too well if this is the same one.


Don’t think it ended too well if this is the same one.

Bloody hell could be :open_mouth:

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not all hearts and flowers but it’s not easy killing yourself without inconveniencing someone else. Someone has to find you and it’s going to be messy probably.

B*llocks to this ‘care in the community’ way of saving money

(Don’t mind me - had a lifetime of falling off horses and landing on my head!)

Its better a copper finds Depression Debbie fried and bloodless in the bath than they fling themselves off a bridge and get blootered across 3 lanes of families in cars. Humans make quite the mess when hit by flying chunks of metal, enough of a mess to seriously fry the brains of some tough but truck drivers, never mind some delicate snowflakes and their kids.


the maoster:
I reported a jumper I received on Christmas Day to the fashion police. Bloody disgusting fair trade monstrosity it was too.

Just like when I reported you for that red shirt blue jeans ensemble in your vid.
Such a fashion faux pas dahling, and soooh last century. :smiley:

Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


Another big, tough trucker.

Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


Ever thought of joining The Samaritans bud. :smiley:

I do see your point mate tbh, although even I would have put it more tactfully.

Why involve other people, especially the poor guy whose passenger seat they end up on as they smash through his windscreen. That could affect someone innocent for life.

If someone is genuinely wanting to top themselves there are plenty places that do not involve others.
Sorry to be harsh and if it offends some, I know it’s all very sad and tragic and if it was one of mine I’d be devastated, but I’m a trucker not some kind of qualified counsellor.


Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


Ever thought of joining The Samaritans bud. :smiley:

I do see your point mate tbh, although even I would have put it more tactfully.

Why involve other people, especially the poor guy whose passenger seat they end up on as they smash through his windscreen. That could affect someone innocent for life.

If someone is genuinely wanting to top themselves there are plenty places that do not involve others.
Sorry to be harsh and if it offends some, I know it’s all very sad and tragic and if it was one of mine I’d be devastated, but I’m a trucker not some kind of qualified counsellor.

Agree, whilst Adonis is clearly, going by his name, blessed for the ladies he is not blessed in the tact department.
Here’s my problem, why is it that this week I read a story that Amazon have put forward a patent for an aerial warehouse from which to send delivery drones yet still now, it seems impossible for the emergency services to have some sort of device or system in place to “encourage” or indeed force a person off a bridge onto the ground safely? If I was trapped on the ledge of a 3 story burning building should I just wait it out? What do the fire service do?
Seems to me that either litigation or hand wringing apologist (some of whom have appeared on here I see) win the day. Thousands of people suffer in order to cuddle one, what a win for everyone…if someone is so down and confused that they think jumping of a motorway bridge is best then yes, I do feel sorry for them, it must be awful but I’m sorry, the knock on effect of closing motorways can cause way more problems in terms of emergency service access etc than the needs of one person.
Surely there must be a viable option to force a person down in this day and age??


the maoster:
I reported a jumper I received on Christmas Day to the fashion police. Bloody disgusting fair trade monstrosity it was too.

Just like when I reported you for that red shirt blue jeans ensemble in your vid.
Such a fashion faux pas dahling, and soooh last century. :smiley:

I did have a word with XPO about the colour of our polo shirts after that Rob. They agreed to change it to black and white stripes but we all kicked off 'cos we’d look ridiculous! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the maoster:
They agreed to change it to black and white stripes but we all kicked off 'cos we’d look ridiculous! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
