Replacement VIN/axle weight plate

Hi all,

My Volvo FM just failed its yearly inspection due to the manufacturer VIN plate being missing, she was resprayed at the end of last year and it looks like the plate was removed and not replaced by the paint shop. The inspector needs to see the Volvo logo on it, along with chassis number and axle weights…in my case 4 axles. Do any of you guys know if it’s possible/legal to have a set of plates made up with the correct information on it? Can’t imagine it would be breaking the law if all I’m doing is putting the same information back on display that used to be there? Anyone know of anywhere that could make a plate for me?

try your local Volvo Truck dealer

Try Euroaxles or any converter .

Get official plat fro Volvo ,proof of ownership should e all you need

Original plate is normally on front bulkhead under windscreen. Nearest Volvo dealer should be able to confirm vehicle ID then get you a new one. Did the old one get painted over? Get the paint shop to pay for it?

Check bottom of drivers door, it’s more of a sticker than a metal plate & can be easily painted over by a careless painter. Get the thinners rag out and have a look.