Anybody got or driven one ,what do you reckon ive noticed alot knocking about and a lot of rental firms have started to buy um…
Rental firms are buying them because the Premium is now no longer made.
Gullivers still have a lot of Premiums on their fleet though, and I notice Salford VH were buying them from 61 plate onwards, and seem to have a splattering to T Range now on their fleet.
Myers in kent has a few i think if tony myers hes on here as knowitall i think
Been driving one for a new job I landed couple of months ago. Lovin’ it. I ve got used to the auto hand brake (which I kept reaching for) and adaptive cruise control. Do an occasional shift in a different vehicle and get caught out, forgetting the hand brake and catching up with the one in front while on cc!
I used to hate the Premium which I only drove occasionally with it’s fiddly gears on a stalk but got used to that now.
Comfy cab but why no right arm rest?
Usb in to stereo and ipod controls on the wheel.
Plenty of creature comforts and driver aids makes the run a doddle.
we have just replaced 4 of the old premiums with these new T range model & will be replacing the 3 we have left later on this year
our drivers are loving them,more room,comfier,better techonology,all in all a far superior truck to the old premium.
i test drove them around millbrook proving ground & they were very impressive at 44t through the alpine course.
I quite liked the later Premiums. I had a 460 on tipper work for a short while and it pulled like a train, it was a great little workhorse and a joy to drive, although I found the “I-shift” controls on the steering wheel stork to be very finicky. I’m never likely to drive one of these new Renaults but looking at the from afar, they have to be one of the ugliest trucks I’ve ever clapped eyes on, especially from the side with the mis-matching panels etc. I’ve seen a few that look quite good after extensive paint jobs but as factory standard they look absolutely awful. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say.
If I had a small child in the house, I’d keep a picture of a Range T to hand to frighten it when it was naughty!
“Go to bed now, or I’ll send for the monster truck!”
I dunno, the look is a bit different but they can look alright.
They are a “Profit Center” apparently.
Ours is getting 36.5 L / 100Km according to the computer. That’s 460 on pallet work with a DD usually full weight doing a night trunk and days on urban a bit lighter. Don’t know how that compares.
Trying to drive that down making use of the Optiroll feature which allows it to go a few mph over or under the set speed by an adjustable amount, and the controlled free wheel.
I do find it over runs very easily on downhills. It’ll hold its speed if you are behind someone but when there’s a clear road ahead it quickly lets it go over 60.
I like the look of them.
From the one I’ve seen they look a lot better in the flesh than in a photo, and the high cabs look better than the low cab seems to be more in proportion.
This was parked outside Cartwrights in Lincoln.
I have recently joined the forum and currently work for a Renault dealership. Although I’ve not been working with the Renault product long I’ll try and answer any questions you may have.
In the past I’ve worked for 3 other manufcaturers from parts department throught to sales, ran my own driver recruitment franchsie (mentioned on here years ago when it went bump ) been a cpc trainer and worked for a truck and trailer rental company.
Hopefully I can contribute to a few other threads aswell.
Chrome Lozenge:
I have recently joined the forum and currently work for a Renault dealership. Although I’ve not been working with the Renault product long I’ll try and answer any questions you may have.In the past I’ve worked for 3 other manufcaturers from parts department throught to sales, ran my own driver recruitment franchsie (mentioned on here years ago when it went bump
) been a cpc trainer and worked for a truck and trailer rental company.
Hopefully I can contribute to a few other threads aswell.
Any chance of a rigid version?
Chrome Lozenge:
I have recently joined the forum and currently work for a Renault dealership. Although I’ve not been working with the Renault product long I’ll try and answer any questions you may have.In the past I’ve worked for 3 other manufcaturers from parts department throught to sales, ran my own driver recruitment franchsie (mentioned on here years ago when it went bump
) been a cpc trainer and worked for a truck and trailer rental company.
Hopefully I can contribute to a few other threads aswell.
Any chance of a rigid version?
I’ve seen loads of the rigid version…
Chrome Lozenge:
I have recently joined the forum and currently work for a Renault dealership. Although I’ve not been working with the Renault product long I’ll try and answer any questions you may have.In the past I’ve worked for 3 other manufcaturers from parts department throught to sales, ran my own driver recruitment franchsie (mentioned on here years ago when it went bump
) been a cpc trainer and worked for a truck and trailer rental company.
Hopefully I can contribute to a few other threads aswell.
Any chance of a rigid version?
I’ve seen loads of the rigid version…
The place I’m doing work now has just taken order of a batch of 14 plate Premiums, rigid versions. I thought the T series replaced the Premium line.
Been discussed a few times already
And they’re still not as good as the premium.
Chrome Lozenge:
I have recently joined the forum and currently work for a Renault dealership. Although I’ve not been working with the Renault product long I’ll try and answer any questions you may have.In the past I’ve worked for 3 other manufcaturers from parts department throught to sales, ran my own driver recruitment franchsie (mentioned on here years ago when it went bump
) been a cpc trainer and worked for a truck and trailer rental company.
Hopefully I can contribute to a few other threads aswell.
I’ve worked with it for 35 years from Berliet/Saviem badged product or this
Chrome Lozenge:
I have recently joined the forum and currently work for a Renault dealership. Although I’ve not been working with the Renault product long I’ll try and answer any questions you may have.In the past I’ve worked for 3 other manufcaturers from parts department throught to sales, ran my own driver recruitment franchsie (mentioned on here years ago when it went bump
) been a cpc trainer and worked for a truck and trailer rental company.
Hopefully I can contribute to a few other threads aswell.
I’ve worked with it for 35 years from Berliet/Saviem badged product
or this
So having been round Renaults for 35 years, what’s your opinion of the T Range?
I prefer the look of the lhd version as its a bigger cab