Renault Premuim 2003 220dci

Hi all,

i have a Renault Premium 220dci. i am having a few issues with it where by it is quite sluggish on exeration and has little torque. its got 860,000km on it but the engine starts and runs like a dream.

i have plugged it into a diagnostic computer and the codes read 5301 - injection presure high 5811 - internal electronic anomally and 5301 - internal electronic anomally.

the exhaust brake isnt very efficient i.e. it doesnt seem to work very well unless the engine revs are near 2400

any ideas would be greatly appreciated


Sounds to me like a partially blocked injector or an ECU fault. But I’m not a legend with the spanners, just skilled in the art of guessing what a manufacturer fault code is supposed to mean.